It saddens and disappoints when one sees people beating others for fun, we see people risking their lives with absurd tricks just to gain popularity, companies selling "poison" in the form of junk food without caring about people's welfare.
Young people who no longer want to study and who don't listen to their parents, young people joining criminal groups dazzled by money and power, pregnant women who are getting younger and younger, people who no longer care about doing their job well, medical organizations that seek only economic profit by seeing people as the merchandise that can be disposed of, in short, this list falls short...
It is easy to feel unmotivated by what we are living at the moment and with the unknown and the anguish of what the future holds. However, despite all this evil and twisted laws that we are living, there is nothing left but to go on, those of us who can give a good example to our family, to our children, with our work, and with our actions let's do it.
Did you know that an eagle knows when a storm is coming long before it starts? The eagle gets ready and flies to a high place to wait for the winds that will come with the storm.
When the storm arrives, the eagle spreads its wings so that the wind can catch it and carry it above the storm. Then, while the storm is raging below, the eagle flies above it; it does not escape the storm but uses it to rise higher.
Words of Encouragement in Difficult Times
There are moments in our lives when storms arrive and make us go through very difficult times; illness, sadness, loneliness, the loss of a loved one, lack of employment in short?
That's when we can rise above the problems, the eagle with its instinct indeed knows when a storm is coming, we don't have a magic ball that indicates when difficult moments will come, but we can always be prepared by putting our minds and our faith in God.
The adversities of life do not have to pass over us, if we are willing we can let the power of God lift us above them. Those who wait and trust in the Lord will have new strength, will lift their wings like eagles, will walk and not be weary, will run and not be fatigued.
If we trust and approach God through prayer, then we will receive the Spirit of God that transforms us and brings forth from us a new time full of hope and that will lift us above any difficult moment in our lives.