in #ocdlast year

My name is chima chibueze from Nigeria and I want to talk about these wonderful topic
Finding out my parents where rich and they gave I and my siblings a poor life

What is betrayal? Betrayal is the act of breaking someone trust mostly by deceit
Firstly we need to understand that trust is something we earn and not get it.

When trust is lost it can never be gotten back, even if you work your time out to earn the trust back. It’s like a broken glass there is nothing in the world you can do to get it back to shape, that’s how trust works


And now if I should find out that my parent where very rich and comfortable and they kept I and my siblings in the dark to face the hardship of the world particularly as a Nigerian. It will be the greatest betrayal of all time.
What are they trying to portray, what are they trying to teach us? Are they teaching us money management Or what? It doesn’t matter the excuse they have for such approach

I am not sure if I will accept the new life they have installed for me I don’t know about my siblings though but for me I just will have to take my time and access the whole situation . Let’s look at it these way, was it necessary for I and my siblings to go through the rough patches of life?

I understand they maybe trying to make us independent in life, but that’s wasn’t necessary. They could have done it the other way round am.
There are families who are filthy rich and they thought their kids the morals needed to survive in life, so why is my case different why should we suffer first and at the end of the day my family has all I need to be successful,

What if at the cause of them wanting to make me better I end up been consumed by the society, start the life they are trying to prevent for me, or end up being a drug trafficker, fraudster or even a thief. I guess they will start using that same money to make sure I don’t go beyond.

How do they think I will fit in the society. What character do I put up? Do I see my self as the son of a billionaire who doesn’t know anything about the society or about my fathers progress or I come in as a person who just meet wealth and dives into it. Or someone who worked his way up to the top and then miracle meet me on my way climbing?


But at some point there reasons too maybe genuine, there are cases where the rich feel like there is no need to make their children contribute to the society, or work for any reasons because the money is there to make them happy and superior over the poor and average.

All they do is give them a good life. Food, clothes, enough cash for their expenses and very expensive cars, but at the end of the day they end up been not been useful to the society and they become a very bad influence to the society at large like doing drugs, smoking and womanizing

I feel grateful these wasn’t a real case cause I just can’t imagine the trauma these will put I and my siblings to
I really appreciate the content it’s so wonderful. Thank you