If you don't want to see these things what do you want me to do, take a few days and give you statistics with real data?
How about even a few minutes. It took me less than five minutes of steemworlding to disprove your circle jerking accusations. People have been begging you to mention quality content creators who have seen their income go down and who have left because of HF21. People have also repeatedly asked you to tell which content creators do you think should be rewarded better. I've seen several deserving authors get noticed and supported with stake that used to be controlled by vote sellers. That is a clear improvement.
I'm not expecting you to mention any one of those people who used to be in favor of HF21 who are now second guessing the whole thing publicly. You haven't been willing or able to point of any authors who you think deserve higher rewards despite being asked to do so multiple times. You clearly want to through around accusations and complain without giving any constructive feedback. Therefore, this is the last time I will engage you regarding this matter. Bye.
YOu have proved nothing, except that you are one of those guys who follow the big guys to see what you can get from them period. I can give you an example, @exyle he gets extremely high payouts on quite inane posts because he is in a circle jerk, and I even like @exyle he seems like a nice guy but he is in a circle jerk. If you want to let these things pass because you think you can eventually get some benefit off of it kudos to you, because actually you are also a very small account and could use a few big votes from the big guys.