
Any advice?
Blessings!Hi @nickyhavey hope your new year started well. I have just tried the #posh thing with my last two posts and opened a twitter account to share them, but there's no curation from #oc or #ocd on the posts?

Hey it's the legend that is @papilloncharity! Yea great start to the new year man, long may it last, hope things are going well with you too!

I don't know really as I've not had any experience with the posh campaign myself and need to get my head around communities as well but I'm using SteemPeak and travelfeed apps and liking the look of them. Sorry not much help.

I guess just keep doing what you're doing and the good things will come 🙂💪

Thank you my friend and oh yeah, I will certainly keep on trucking.
Not as fast as a Ferrari, but I remember the story about the tortoise and the hare Lol.
Stay well my friend.
Blessings Doc!

Haha a tortoise powered Ferrari

Hahaha, I love your humor.