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RE: To Rake Or Not To Rake

in #ocd4 years ago

Meh, Ponderosas. There's one at my place that's coming out soon.
They are invasive aliens here and it was planted way too close to the houses and is now wrecking walls. I just spent days cleaning a carpet of needles from a walkway that was untouched for years.
Good luck with your shoulders. Mine don't love raking, thanks to old injuries


LOL! Our invasive pine is the Lodgepole, AKA Jackpine, AKA Doghair as my Grandpa refers to it. It's everywhere. About a fifteen years ago I had most of the pine removed from my property, so other than a handful of gigantic Bull pine (Ponderosas), most of the trees on my farm are lovely firs. Well, the back ten has a bunch of baby Jack pines, but I'm thinning them out.

And I don't blame you for taking that one out, planting a Ponderosa next to your home is like asking for shoulder strain, the needles never end!

Hope you are having a no pain from old injuries lovely kind of day:)

Thanks, my shoulders are currently good. Old injuries are a good excuse to avoid chores like mopping haha