OCD International Daily: Issue #130

in #ocd7 years ago (edited)


Welcome to the 130th issue of @OCD international Daily!

Issue #130 highlights content from ten(10) fantastic Steemit Content Creators in ten different languages! The OCD international team on its journey continues to search tirelessly throughout the multiple languages on Steemit for undervalued gems as provided by relatively new users.

Today our curators have delivered ten incredible pieces of original content to share with you! These works as provided by newer Steemit users don’t have the audience which their quality content deserves. @OCD strives to provide that audience and intends to showcase Steemit users who put in tremendous effort to create flourishing content.

The nomination process

A curator will FIND a piece of work in his language (typically from newer users), discuss with the other curators of that language and they will choose the one that will go into the compilation.

We encourage you to visit these blogs and to show these great Steemians your support and encouragement.

If you enjoyed their work give them a Follow or maybe even say Hello!


Harga SBD/STEEM anjlok? well, Jangan patah semangat dan terus berkarya ! pada kesempatan ini, team kurator OCD bahasa Indonesia @mariska.lubis dan @macchiata memilih sebuah postingan menarik dari @samymubarraq yang menulis tentang korelasi antara AS roma dan SBD. Dalam tulisannya ia membandingkan performa AS Roma dan SBD. seperti yang penulis katakan, seperti halnya AS Roma yang berusaha mengalahkan Barcelona, seperti SBD dan Steem yang kita yakini akan kembali bangkit. Mau tau lebih lanjut? kunjugi postingan beliau

Are you seeing SBD/Steem price is falling? well don't give up ! today we're bringing you an interesing insight from @samymubarraq who compares AS Roma performance to SBD price. The author also encourages steemian to continue creating content and believing into the platfrom. Do you want to know more about it? don't forget to visit his blog !

AS Roma dan SBD adalah Kita

Hoy les compartimos una prueba mas de que los sueños se cumplen. En este caso @hescandell nos comparte como fue que pudo ver jugar en persona al equipo de sus amores. Como verán en el post no es suficiente llegar a la puerta, a veces hay que hacer un sacrificio extra para poder cruzarla.

Today we share with you proof that dreams come true, @hescandell shares how he was able to watch his favorita soccer team play in its home stadium. As you will see in the post it is not enough to get to the door, sometimes you have to make an extra sacrifice to be able to cross it.

Foto recuerdo | Camp Nou

Notizie e curiosità dal mondo scientifico. E’ quanto ci propone nel suo post @davinci.times dove fra l’altro si parla di interessanti applicazioni di robotica e di nuovi scenari sull’inquinamento da plastica. Questo è il post proposto per la selezione di oggi dal @ocd Team per la lingua italiana e curato da @sardrt
News and curiosities from the scientific world. This is what he proposes in his post @davinci.times where among other things we talk about interesting applications of robotics and new scenarios on plastic pollution. This is the post proposed for today's selection by the @ocd Team for the Italian language and edited by @sardrt (Text also in English)

DaVinci Times #0.4

For the german community, @theaustrianguy has found the following post made my @javehimself, a relatively young member of the Steemit platform. Being a big fan of movies, he tried to start a series of movie reports under the tag # filmfriday, where users can talk about great movies and share their experiences. Since this is supposed to happen on fridays, users will be able to find awesome movies for the weekend. Especially when the weather is as bad as it is now, this will be very interesting for many. He makes the start with the movie "Memento" back from the year 2000.

Für die deutsche Community hat @theaustrianguy heute folgenden Beitrag von @javehimself, einem relativ frischen Member von Steemit, gefunden. Als großer Filmfan, versucht er mit diesem Beitrag eine Serie zu starten, wo unter dem Tag # filmfriday über gute Filme geredet und diskutiert werden soll. Kurz vor dem Wochenende - das ganze soll ja schließlich freitags stattfinden - sicherlich für einige eine interessante Anlaufstelle, um Filme für verregnete Wochenenden wie diese zu finden. Selbst startet er mit dem Film "Memento" aus dem Jahre 2000!

FilmFriday: Wenn die Handlung rückwärts läuft | Memento (2000)

Aujourd'hui, nous (@roxane et @ixi ndamix) vous faisons découvrir spécialement pour la curation francophone d'OCD, un auteur particulièrement doué pour raconter ses voyages : @marc-allaria. Découvrez dans cet article la pêche aux Philippines.

Today, we (@roxane and @ixi ndamix) make you discover especially for the French curation of OCD, a particularly talented author who write about his travels: @marc-allaria. Discover in this article fishing in the Philippines.

DECOUVREZ LES PHILIPPINES - Escale #5 - Le dossier pêche...!

Polski zespół (@lukmarcus i @fervi )zgłasza wpis @opti. Prawdopodobnie każda osoba na Steem ma imię, zwykle nadane przez rodziców. Nie zdajemy sobie sprawy jak wybór takiego zwykłego "wyrazu" ma wpływ na nas w przyszłości, a także jaki wpływ miał na ludzi w przeszłości. Ten artykuł wyjaśni tę kwestię.

The Polish team ( @lukmarcus and @fervi ) introduce @opti. Probably every person on Steem has a name, usually given by parents. We don't realize how the choice of such a "word" has an impact on us in the future, and how it affected people in the past.

Zaprogramowani ⌨ przez Imię, Nick 🗣

@maenaoさんは、初めてのsteemitの記事で、「世界の貧困をブロックチェーンで解決できるのではないか?」という素敵な内容の記事を書いてくださいました。読んでいて鳥肌が立ちました。steemitの記事を通して、このような情報が発信されることを嬉しく思いました。Curated by 日本語OCDチーム @djynn@fukako and @yasu24

In first steemit article, @maenao wrote an article with a wonderful content saying "Can we save the world's poverty with blockchain?" I was getting goose bumps while reading. Through steemit articles, I was pleased to see that such idea was provided. Japanese OCD team @djynn@fukako and @yasu24



오늘 소개할 스티미언은 @hayansool 님입니다. 발효음식은 물론 전통주에 오늘 소개하는 왕골을 이용한 공예작품까지 한국만의 맛과 멋을 항상 정성스럽게 소개시켜 주시는 분이랍니다. 음식에만 삼합이 있는 줄 알았는데 왕골을 이용한 공예에도 삼합이라는 컨셉이 있는 모양입니다. 사진으로 자세히 포스팅해주셨는데요. 정성과 기술이 너무 대단하시네요. 앞으로도 대한민국의 멋과 맛을 세계로 알려주시길 기원하며 오늘 @ocd 포스팅에 선정합니다. @ocd 큐레이터 @steemitjp @ocd를 follow 하시고 세계의 다양한 정보를 만나보세요.

How is it going weekend? I want to introduce @hayansool who is make a korean traditional alcohol and fermented food. Today @hayansool posting is about handmade craft made of colorful sedges. You can able to know about her delicate making process of basket of sedge with photos. Curated by @ocd official curator @steemitjp for Korean. Please follow @ocd

[취미] 첫 완초 합


Het Nederlandstalige ocd team @jackjohanneshemp en @poeticsnake hebben deze blog voor u uitgekozen. Met deze nominatie stellen we u de steemians @marcovanhassel aan u voor.
In deze blog beschrijft @marcovanhassel wat de luisteraars kunnen verwachten van Dutch-Blockchain-Radio. Tevens kondigt DBR aan in deze blog dat er vanaf heden 24/7 muziek zal zijn in DBR kanaal. Om dit allemaal glans te geven kan DBR elke week een paar tickets weggeven aan de luisteraars.

The Dutch speaking ocd team @jackjohanneshemp and @poeticsnake have chosen this blog for you. With this nomination we introduce you to the steemians @marcovanhassel.
In this blog @marcovanhassel describes what the listeners can expect from Dutch-Blockchain-Radio. DBR also announces in this blog that from now on there will be 24/7 music in DBR channel. To give it all shine, DBR can give away a few tickets to the listeners every week.

Win twee kaartjes voor Verknipt! in Eindhoven bij DBR-radio !!



今日OCD中文區小隊 - @tilao@travelgirl 想為大家介紹 @catwomanteresa. @catwomanteresa 非常喜歡貓,去旅行和在 Steemit 跟大家分享不同題目的文章。今天她帶我們去基隆三大廟之一的媽祖廟「慶安宮」。 在文章裡,她介紹了一些廟的歷史和廟裡一些要注意看的東西。

Chinese OCD team @tilao and @travelgirl would like to introduce @catwomanteresa. She is a cat lover, loves traveling and shares a variety of topics on Steemit. Today she is taking us to Ching-An Palace in Keelung, Taiwan. Ching-An Palace is one of the three biggest temples in Keelung where @catwomanteresa would the history of the temple and the some of the highlights within the temple to look out for if you were visiting.

Travel with Catwoman Teresa-Ching-An Palace in Keelung #12 跟著貓女趴趴走 #12 從基隆慶安宮看廟宇藝術|月旦評(A City A Story Photo Weekly Contest #18)

Thanks for stopping by as this concludes today’s OCD international Daily. We would like to congratulate the authors nominated as well as those featured.

Hopefully, you were able to take away something different, fresh, and new from the pieces as provided by the @ocd curators.

The OCD team would also like to thank those that strive to make a difference. As anyone can create a posting but only some can create/build value.

Be sure to check for tomorrow’s edition of OCD international Daily!
Keep up the good work creating original content

You never know when @ocd may be around :)

prepared by @yasu24

Know that your Resteem supports undervalued authors!

OCD Now Has a Steem Witness...

You can vote for @ocd-witness, with SteemConnect or on Steemit Witnesses to help support other undervalued authors!

Now you can get Resteemed by @ocd!
Use the 'ocd-resteem' tag on quality, original content for a chance to be selected.

Read more about it here.


I thank @lukmarcus, @fervi and @ocd for honoring me.

The following translation of two fragments of the Polish test "Programmed ⌨ by Name, Nick 🗣 "(Polish: Zaprogramowani ⌨ przez Imię, Nick 🗣:)

Using a name, a nickname is just running 🎬, a pre-defined program. The genius of this program lies in the fact that it may evolve all the time. It can be simultaneously perceived by many people differently. If someone first came to our entry, its associations with our name may be small. However, when recognition is increasing, the value of our name increases 📈, because readers are building an increasingly larger image of us.

and conclusion

Consider what terms we use (nickname, name),
because it can change

our and other future! 🙂

Thank you so much! What an honor! I'm totally surprised to be mentioned in this issue.

Especially thanks to @theaustrianguy, I really appreciate your support throughout my whole Steemit experience! :)

I resteemed this post.

Merci à @Roxane et @ocd pour ce partage sur mes escales de voyage aux Philippines. De très nombreux autres reportages sont écrits sur mon blog pour ceux qui s'y intéressent: @marc-allaria

Wow lovely post