OCD International Daily: Issue #147

in #ocd7 years ago

OCD International Daily: Issue #147


Welcome to the 147th issue of @OCD international Daily!

Issue #147 highlights content from ten(9) fantastic Steemit Content Creators in nine different languages! The OCD internationalteam on its journey continues to search tirelessly throughout the multiple languages on Steemit for undervalued gems as provided by relatively new users.

Today our curators have delivered nine incredible pieces of original content to share with you! These works as provided by newer Steemit users don’t have the audience which their quality content deserves. @OCD strives to provide that audience and intends to showcase Steemit users who put in tremendous effort to create flourishing content.

The nomination process

A curator will FIND a piece of work in his language (typically from newer users), discuss with the other curators of that language and they will choose the one that will go into the compilation.

We encourage you to visit these blogs and to show these great Steemians your support and encouragement.

If you enjoyed their work give them a Follow or maybe even say Hello!


Dikala masalah menimpa dan tidak dapat lagi menghindar, kita pun menghibur diri dengan berujar; "kita ambil hikmahnya saja" seraya menghela nafas. Haruskah baru menginsafi sesuatu tatkala diri berada pada titik tak berdaya? Tulisan ini adalah posting dari @munawar87 yang menggugat kesadaran diri. Kurasi oleh @mariska.lubis dan @macchiata. When problems come over and we can not avoid it, we use to comfort our self by saying, "Let's take the good things of it," with a very deep breath. Should we realize of something when we are in the hopeless position? This writing is posted by @munawar87 who sued himself. Curated by @mariska.lubis and @macchiata.

"Menggugat Kesadaran Diri"



Conforme más personas se unen cada día a Steemit, la competencia por los votos grandes crece cada vez más y, si hace 6 meses era suficiente publicar buen contenido para tener algún voto grande, hoy en día sin duda es necesario desarrollar otras habilidades para resaltar en el ecosistema hispano. @vanessapinedos tiene la segunda parte de una muy completa guía en la que aborda estas competencias que deberíamos considerar en desarrollar como miembros de la plataforma para ampliar nuestras posibilidades de triunfo!

As more and more people join Steemit, the race to get the big votes grows and, if 6 months ago it was enough to make brilliant content to get one of them, nowadays its necessary to develop other skills to stand out from other people´s content. @vanessapinedos brings us the second part of a very complete guide where she onboards these set of skills that we should consider in developing if we want to increase our chances of succeeding!

Desarrolla tu Competencia en Habilidades Sociales



Come intervenire in un monumento ricco di storia come il Castello di Burgos in Sardegna (Italia). Disegni, ipotesi, rilievi e progetti nel post di @voiceoff proposto per la selezione di oggi dal @ocd Team per la lingua italiana e curato da @sardrt .

How to intervene in a monument rich in history such as the Castle of Burgos in Sardinia (Italy). Drawings, hypotheses, surveys and projects in the post of @voiceoff proposed for today's selection by the @ocd Team for the Italian language and edited by @sardrt.

(ENG-ITA) Some Projects: ideas and concepts. #6 BURGOS CASTLE (2) Project [by voiceoff]



Ihr wolltet schon immer wissen, wie ein professioneller Aprilscherz für Firmen gemacht wird? Dann seid ihr bei diesem Beitrag von @hdrr goldrichtig - und wer weiß, vielleicht seht ihr ja eines Tages sogar so einen Nano-Gravitations-Traktor? Gefunden und nominiert von OCD-Mitglied @theaustrianguy.

You always wanted to know how professional april fool jokes for companies are made? Then this post by @hdrr is exactly what you need. And who knows - maybe you will even see such a nano-gravitation-tractor one day? Found and nominated by german OCD-member @theaustrianguy.

Making of 1. April Lagerhaus Video



In this new article, @happydaddyfr tells us about the Electroneum crypto-currency, he also teaches us to use the minor Electroneum for mobile. Dans ce nouvel article, @happydaddyfr nous parle de la crypto-monnaie Electroneum, il nous apprend également à utiliser le mineur Electroneum pour mobile

Electroneum - Apprends à miner à l'aide de ton smartphone



Polska drużyna (@fervi, @lukmarcus and @santarius) wybiera artykuł @foodini. W swojej publikacji @foodini zabiera nas w kulinarną podróż do Grecji. Z pomocą jego przepisu dowiemy się, w jaki sposób przygotować tradycyjną grecką potrawę - Souvlaki

The Polish team (@fervi, @lukmarcus and @santarius) chooses @foodini. In his article @foodini takes us on a culinary journey around Greece. With the help of his recipe, we can learn how to prepare a traditional Greek dish - Souvlaki

🌶 [PL] Greckie Souvlaki, czyli świeży pomysł na szybkiego kurczaka!



今日、紹介するのは 新しいスティーミアンの @noteman さんです。春の京都の路上の植物に注目し、美しい写真に丁寧な説明をを添えて、記事を書いてくださいました。住み慣れた街...旅行で立ち寄ってみた街...少し目線を変えて見るのも良いものですね。新しい発見がありそうです。 Curated by 日本語OCDチーム @djynn, @fukako & @yasu24

Guided by our new Steemian @noteman, we are going to learn about plants on the street of Kyoto. With beautiful photos and detailed info, you'll get to know the beauty of Kyoto from different angles. Curated by Japanese OCD team @djynn, @fukako & @yasu24

2018 Kyoto is in spring. (Plants on the street No.02) 京都は春です。(路上の植物 その2)




한국어로된 양질의 스팀잇 컨텐츠를 소개하는 @ocd 큐레이터 @steemitjp, @solnamu 입니다. 오늘은 "두리의 모험" 웹툰으로 그리는 @chaelinjane님을 소개합니다. 두두와 리리가 뉴질랜드에 정착하며 만나는 사람들과 생활에 대한 이야기입니다. 두리의 모험에서는 따뜻한 미소를 가진 사람들의 모습과 예쁜 뉴질랜드의 모습을 만날 수 있답니다.

Today we will introduce @chaelinjane who draws cartoon named "The Adventures of Duri". It is a story about Dudu and Lily settled in New Zealand. At Durie's adventure, you can meet people with warm smiles, a pictures of a beautiful sight of New Zealand. Curated by Korean OCD Curator @steemitjp and @solnamu. Follow and Support @ocd.

두리의 모험 The Adventures of Duri │제3화 Episode 3│안녕, 오클랜드! Kia Ora, Auckland!




Het Nederlandse OCD team @jackjohanneshemp en @poeticsnake hebben deze keer gekozen voor een post van @robvellekoop! Ondanks een genadeloze War on an Idea - de oorlog tegen een idee - waarbij de Amerikaanse overheid decennialang strijdt tegen het socialisme, groeit het als een Japanse duizendknoop door beton heen. De overheid kan nog zo gewelddadig optreden tegen een idee, toch bepalen de bewoners van dit land welk idee ze aanhangen.

Ondanks de negatieve klank en de onderdrukking ziet begin 2000 meer dan 52% van de democraten het socialisme als iets positiefs. Een stukje heroïsche strijd voor een sociaal en menselijk idee. Abby Martin maakte er een documentaire van. Lees hier meer over in deze post!

Today, the Dutch OCD team @jackjohanneshemp and @poeticsnake picked a post from @robvellekoop! Despite a merciless War on "an Idea" in which the American government fights for decades against socialism, it grows like a Japanese knotweed through concrete. The government can act so violently against an idea, yet the inhabitants of this country decide which idea they adhere to.

Despite the negative sound and the oppression, more than 52% of the democrats see socialism as positive in early 2000. A piece of heroic struggle for a social and human idea. Abby Martin made a documentary of it. You can read more about it in this post!

De onderdrukking van een idee houdt nooit stand




今日OCD中文區小隊 - @htliao@travelgirl 想為大家介紹 @anariggie,她是一位博物館愛好者。 @anariggie是次帶大家參觀紐約古根漢藝術館:由外至內、由底層到頂層,讓讀者感受單單建築物本身,已是一件藝術。非現代藝術控的遊客,也可從文末得知如何省錢參觀這幢偉大設計的小提示。

Chinese OCD team @htliao and @travelgirl would like to introduce @anariggie. She is a museum lover and this time @anariggie brought us to take a glimpse of Guggenheim Museum of New York. From outside to inside, from bottom to upper floor, the architecture of the museum itself is already an art. The article also provides some saving tips for travelers who just want to take pictures on the architecture.

Guggenheim Museum - Museum itself is already an art. 紐約古根漢藝術館 – 藝術館本身已經是一件藝術


Thanks for stopping by as this concludes today’s OCD international Daily. We would like to congratulate the authors nominated as well as those featured.

Hopefully, you were able to take away something different, fresh, and new from the pieces as provided by the @ocd curators.

The OCD team would also like to thank those that strive to make a difference. As anyone can create a posting but only some can create/build value.

Be sure to check for tomorrow’s edition of OCD international Daily!

Keep up the good work creating original content

You never know when @ocd may be around :)

prepared by @yasu24

Know that your Resteem supports undervalued authors!

OCD Now Has a Steem Witness...


You can vote for @ocd-witness, with SteemConnect or on Steemit Witnesses to help support other undervalued authors!

Now you can get Resteemed by @ocd!

Use the 'ocd-resteem' tag on quality, original content for a chance to be selected.

Read more about it here.


Wow, that's is really nice, congratulations to nine of them.

Thank you for sharing information

thank you for featuring my post!

Thanks to the curator @mariska.lubis and @macchiata who have curated my writing. Thank you @ocd-resteem for the appreciation.

Luar biasa,, selamat bung @munawar87

Terima kasih kawan.

Selamat yah! Terus semangat!

Terima kasih sebesar-besarnya atas pertimbangan dan dukungan kakak. Saya sangat gembira dan menambah semangat.

Thank you very much for all the curators.
(OCD Japanese:@djynn,@fukako,@yasu24)
I’m very happy to introduce the my post.
The banner of a geometric graphic whale is also cool!


Oh, what an honor!

Thank you for mention! :)

Excelente información @ocd, mas que todo buscamos conocer gente nueva, interactuar y cambiar opiniones al igual que culturas de otros países, una forma muy amena de tener amigos en todas partes del mundo, y claro esta que a su vez esto nos ayuda también a ir conociendo sobre votos, y acumular puntajes, gracias por compartir.