OCD International Daily: Issue #68

in #ocd7 years ago


Welcome to the 68th issue of @OCD international Daily!

Issue #68 highlights content from ten(10) fantastic Steemit Content Creators in ten different languages! The OCD international team on its journey continues to search tirelessly throughout the multiple languages on Steemit for undervalued gems as provided by relatively new users.

Today our curators, under our steadfast leader, @acidyo, have delivered ten incredible pieces of original content to share with you! These works as provided by newer Steemit users don’t have the audience which their quality content deserves. @OCD strives to provide that audience and intends to showcase Steemit users who put in tremendous effort to create flourishing content.

The nomination process

A curator will FIND a piece of work in his language (typically from newer users), discuss with the other curators of that language and they will choose the one that will go into the compilation.

We encourage you to visit these blogs and to show these great Steemians your support and encouragement.

If you enjoyed their work give them a Follow or maybe even say Hello!



Masih dalam suasana tahun baru, Team Kurator OCD Indonesia @mariska.lubis dan @macchiata memilih sebuah karya seni dari @fadli79 yang tidak hanya menunjukkan kita cara menggambar tetapi juga berisi tentang harapan penulis dalam menyongsong tahun 2018 sebagain seorang steemian.

Still in a festive day of 2018, Indonesian curator this time have chosen a post from @fadli79 that's not only showing his unique drawing but also his hope towards being a steemian in 2018

Meneropong 2018 / Observing 2018


Hoy nuestra compañera @gabriellecd nos cuenta como se celebró el año nuevo desde Venezuela junto a su familia. En el post, nos comparte un menú tradicionalmente venezolano que incluye Mondongo, Quesillo y Pernil de Cochino como la estrella de la noche.

@gabriellecd share with us how she celebrated the new year’s eve from Venezuela with her family. The post includes delicious and typical food from her country including: Mondongo, Quesillo y Pernil de Cochino.

My 2017: Welcoming the new year - Canapes, Dulce Navideño Andante y Sopa Un primero de Enero


Prendetevi due minuti di pausa, trattenete il respiro ed entrate nel fantastico mondo dei racconti di @f3nix . Piccole gemme di poesia, delicatezza e fantasia sono i racconti dell’autore proposto e questo è il post proposto per la selezione di oggi dal @ocd Team per la lingua italiana e curato da @sardrt [Testo anche in Inglese ]

Take a two minute break, hold your breath and enter the fantastic world of @f3nix 's stories. Little gems of poetry, delicacy and fantasy are the stories of the author and this is the post proposed for today's selection by @ocd Team for the Italian language and edited by @sardrt [Text also in English]

Children's Games - Giochi da Bambini [ENG-ITA]


@parzifal1 begrüßt uns mit diesem Post heute ins neue Jahr und lässt uns gleich noch ein bisschen philosophieren was ein Mensch eigentlich so alles in einem Jahr aushält. An diesem Punkt von wir euch auch noch Frohes Neues vom deutschen OCD Team wünschen (@jeanpi1908 und @anomadsoul).

@parzifal1 welcomes us with this post today in the New Year and lets us philosophize what a human actually endures so in a year. At this point we also wish you a happy new year from the German OCD team (@ jeanpi1908 and @anomadsoul).

Prosit Neujahr!



今天@ihatebanana會帶大家一起搭巴士前往紐約玩一天和尋找一些美食。先到美甲店然後介紹紐約的地鐵最後找一些好吃和喝的。OCD的中文區小隊 - @htliao@Travelgirl 所發掘的帖子。

Chinese OCD team @htliao and @Travelgirl would like to introduce @ihatebanana. In this post, she takes us to New York for 1 day via bus from Philly. She would drop by at the nail salon, talk about the New York Metro system and recommended some great food and drinks location for everyone.

🚆Let's have a one day adventure and looking for foods in Chinatown and Korea town in New York ! | 紐約巴士地鐵一日冒險!前往唐人街、韓國街尋找美食!


Polski team (czyli @fervi i @lukmarcus) nominuje @anna.urbanska. Każdy robi podsumowanie poprzedniego roku i zastanawia się nad celami w nowym, ale kto tak naprawdę znajduje czas na zastanowienie się nad swoim zdrowiem? Może powinniście zrobić jakieś badania?

Polish team (so @fervi and @lukmarcus) nominate @anna.urbanska. Everyone makes a summary of the previous year and wonders about the goals for the new one, but who really finds time to reflect on their health? Maybe you should think about it?

Nowy rok zacznij od najważniejszego przeglądu - przeglądu swojego organizmu!


今回は @mdn さんのユーモア溢れる投稿を紹介したいと思います。 銀座洋食物語のレビューです。主人公は"銀座カリー"。物語の最後に主人公に会うことが出来きる楽しい投稿です。Curated by 日本語OCDチーム @djynn & @fukako

Japanese OCD team @djynn and @fukako would like to introduce @mdn. The author writes a review of the series of so called "books". The wonderful humour makes the blog very interesting to read and you will actually see and taste the character of the "book" at the end.

My bookshelf. 私の本棚



누구나 이상한 미스터리한 영상을 보는 것을 좋아하죠. 스티미언 @myfan 의 이번 미스터리 시리즈의 일부는 가장 이상한 재미있는 동영상을 보여주고 자세한 설명을 하셨어요. 전 큐레이터 @normalbro 라고 합니다.

Everyone likes watching strange mystery videos. Part of a mystery series, Steemian @myfan has found some of the strangest (and funniest) videos and gives a detailed explanation. Curated by @normalbro.

kr-mystery 활성 12번쨰 - 시간여행은 가능하다? 증거와 일화 정리!!(오늘 자료 많음 ㅎㅎ)



Pour la première nomination OCD de l'année 2018, @ixindamix et @Roxane ont décidé de vous partager l'article de @natachayacinthe1 qui expose son point de vue sur la cryptomonnaie Ripple.

For the first OCD nomination of the year 2018, @ixindamix and @Roxane have decided to share with you the article of @natachayacinthe1 which presents her point of view on the cryptocurrency called Ripple.

Ripple! Est-ce la bitch des banques??



This blog is a photo and poem about the rainy season. The writer of the message made both the photo and the poem for this post.

:Deze blog is een foto en een gedicht over het regenseizoen. De schrijver van het bericht heeft zowel de foto als het gedicht voor dit bericht gemaakt


Thanks for stopping by as this concludes today’s OCD international Daily. We would like to congratulate the authors nominated as well as those featured.

Hopefully, you were able to take away something different, fresh, and new from the pieces as provided by the @ocd curators.

The OCD team would also like to thank those that strive to make a difference. As anyone can create a posting but only some can create/build value.

Be sure to check for tomorrow’s edition of OCD international Daily!
Keep up the good work creating original content

You never know when @ocd may be around :)

as prepared by @jeanpi1908

Know that your Resteem supports undervalued authors!

Now you can get Resteemed by @ocd!
Use the 'ocd-resteem' tag on quality, original content for a chance to be selected.

Read more about it here.


This is a great idea and a great post

I think my posts are most of the times under-valued unless I buy some upvotes. I stopped writing because I don't want to buy anything. Today, I tried again and resumed my writing. You and your team are doing a fantastic job. My question is, do you have anything for old Steemit authors? By the way, I'm not as old as the hills. :)

Excellent work @ocd!

Steem On!

very interesting ocd, success continues and hopefully the news is better and help us all

I could say anything, other than a pleasure because you already can appreciate my work. Thank you so much.

Guys, how come you dont have a portuguese curator looking for #pt posts?!!?!

Portuguese speakers are increasing daiy. Please, check this community out!

Very happy to be part of this daily international selection! Thank you, OCD, for highlighting my poem and photo!

Cool! I am excited to see what this eclectic international team will bring forward in 2018. Thank you for utilizing the power of steem to promote and raise levels of consciousness worldwide.

A huge thank you @ocd!.. I'm going to write a long novel in episodes and your curation means a lot for me and will give me the right encouragement to go on. Keep up the great work you're doing!

Un grossissimo ringraziamento a tutto il team di @ocd .. sto progettando una storia in episodi e il vostro sostegno significa davvero tanto :-) Siete forti!

Saludos, Dios les bendiga! Como seria la forma de que ustedes pudieran ver algunos de mis post para poder ser postulada a la evaluación?