My rose blooms healthy

in #ocd5 years ago (edited)
Hello Guys ... Always enthusiastic about this beloved platform, of course in art and work !!!

Seems your to be very familiar with one of the ornamental plants that is often functioned as an ambassador for one's heart. It is a rose! As we all know that the rose flower is one of the shrub species of the family Rosaceae, it is often described by the world community.

In the language book article, I found that, the word rosa itself comes from Latin, which means Bunga Mawar or in Acehnese is pronounced with Bungoeng Mawoe'. The word Mawoe 'itself is the official language of Aceh, which means the fragrance that comes from flowers.

As we all know that this plant has a variety of colors, which we very often encounter around us from the best known, such as;

  • red roses
  • yellow roses
  • white roses
  • pink roses,

and so rarely known as purple roses.

In the rose itself is stored its beauty which is not only used as a symbol of love it is also a favorite plant of many people. This type of plant is also easily planted anywhere, as I have done so far and you yourself have seen the results in this picture.

So in this case I will share simple tips for you to follow in getting beautiful flower yields. In the experience of cultivating this plant, I followed a few steps that I saw the tutorial on my favorite YouTube media.

Besides having tips from social media like YouTube, I also combine them with daily experiences that have been used during the maintenance period, as for how to care for them, it is very simple, as I will state below;

How to control plant pests

One of the main things that causes roses to not flower or bloom is caused by attacks from insects such as aphids and other insect species that often damage plants.

In this case I personally have several ways to get rid of it, this method is very easy for you to do because you are not going to drive it away but bees or wasps. You need to know that Wasps or Bees are very anti-insect species such as leaf pests, but how to invite them?

Inviting a bee or wasp is enough to plant a variety of flowers, so the bee or bee will be attracted to your own plants, because each flower has its own natural tricks to attract the bee or wasp's attention.

So put your rose plant in the middle of another flower plant, then a natural bees or wasp will arrive at your plant location, so that the rose plant or other plants will be made as a host plant.

When your rose plant or other plants is made as a host plant, the wasp and the bee automatically do not want the presence of other insects, if there are any, the wasps or bees will drive them away. Because of the nature of wasps and bees will always master every area that he occupied.

So with this behavior the rose plant or other plants are far from being attacked by plant pests.

Roses need healthy sunlight

As we all know that light or sunlight is needed by every creature, and also plants, roses also want sunlight like other plants, by getting enough sunlight, your rose plant will be in bloom and healthy to develop throughout the day.

So to get enough sunlight especially what he needs in the morning sun, then place your rose plant facing the sun rising, but protect the rose from the hot sun or the sun in broad daylight because the hot rays can make your roses wither.

Thus your rose plant will get a healthy morning sun and protected from the hot sun, so that your rose plant is always healthy and beautiful.

Water watering techniques

Then the thing that you also notice when you water it, in this case you must pay attention to the process of watering, because water is the main source of biological processes for plants, especially roses, watering also plays an important role to accelerate the dissolution of nutrients that will be absorbed by the root of the rose and also regulates the condition of the air around the environment itself, thus giving rose the correct water.

You have to do the watering routine which is done twice a day, that is, the morning between 7-9 hours and the afternoon between 4-6 hours and I have done that schedule every day so far.

Then it must be considered the amount of water that is flushed into the ground, it all depends on the level of soil wetness and also the age of the rose plant itself. If your rose is during the rainy season, watering activities must be adapted to the natural situation, and if in the dry season you have to make the soil moist, then that is what is said to pay attention to the soil where the roses grow.

To be continue...
Location photoSerdang, Indonesia
CameraMi Note 9
Greetings from @p2hive


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