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RE: The Conviction Mob

in #ocd4 years ago

After reading everyone else's very interesting comments, I haven't much more to add. One things comes to mind, and that is the problems with the word "hate." Nowadays, if I disagree with anyone about anything I am accused of "hate." Since when did it become impossible to disagree without hatred being involved? Once the accusation of hate is tossed into the ring, anything I say is instantly discredited because I "hate." And there is no more room for debate, because I allegedly "hate." I suppose that is a classic example of somebody setting up the parameters for acceptable discussion.


I do often wonder when non-validation of one's opinion crossed the line into hate? I disagree with people about things all of the time, but at no time do I feel like I want them to cease existing. The hate sword has become a weapon of bullying and submission demanding in the public arena and I for one refuse to be cowed by that sword, it is a lazy mechanism. Your thoughts on the word and it's current usage were excellent and I am so glad that you shared them:)