Vietnam Series, (Takuri) 1/8

in #ocd3 years ago

Edgy humor and Racist takes Warning!!!

To reveal the reason behind my crippling drug addiction

And to shed light on why some of us that were deployed in vietnam back in 1955 did not return.

This is the 1st entry of Kettle also known as Spades of death.

As we comb through Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos. We bring each Vietcong a bullet through the skull and a garden shovel to bury them.

1st lieutenant, Takuri! Ready to kill and plunder.

 " " \" \"Takuri Vietnam.png\"\"""

(How is the image this big?)

Interviewer: Goodmorning Takuri, i am thankful that you have invited me to record your in person experience of the Vietnam war. May i ask you, how are you feeling today.

I feel alright, the cocaine has helped me numb the pain.

*Takuri looks at the chair where Rainite usually draws.

Not sure about Rainite, hey Rain you feeling alright? I thought you weren't feeling well. Sorry mate i had taken some doggo biscuits while you were away.

*Takuri places a dirty piece of aluminum wrapper on top of the 3 legged stool.

Interviewer: Rain is very thankful

*The chair is Vacant

Moving on, so John? You were going to ask me a few questions about the war? Aghh, im not sure if i can recollect the things that happened decades ago. My mind is a bit foggy.

John: Its fine, share what you want to say with me.

All right, i guess we should start at Ho Chi Minh City the location of our 1sy day in duty.

Didn't really thought about it that much but i met many great people there that only a few months later, i would call comrade.

John: So who were these young lads?

At the registration desk, i met Ryivhnn. There he was having trouble at the registration desk. Unfortunately for him, his name was translated to English which means (Fire and water). The lady behind the desk was extremely confused because the name is Edgy as fuck and she was expecting 2 people.

As i was waiting for my turn and sort of feeling sorry for Ryivhnn, when i thought it was my turn there i encountered Rain. The midget sized Pablo Picasso, the guy submitted his form with only the name and age filled out. The rest are all blank, talked to him about it and from what i understand he only wants to do his art. Then he asked what i called him.

Im pretty sure i got knocked out after i replied to him, not sure why.

John: LOL!

John: Hey i noticed the photo back there? I this all of you?

Yep, this brings back memories

John: Hey Takuri, is this you in the middle?

Ohh my how did you notice?

*Both in the photo and IRL takuri is wearing a Kettle

Are you interested in seeing some of my work while i tell you the story?

John: I'll be sure to include your art as a cover piece!

Hahaha, thats the spirit!

 " " \"Takuri Vietnam.png\"""

*(same image hahaahah)

John: Its beautiful!

Aww, thank you. Wanna see how i made it while i tell you the story?

John: Sure thing. . . .

 " " \"Screenshot (1335).png\"""(Rough sketch)

So it began with a pen and a plan, very hard phase of the mission.


For you see, drafting young adults that weren't taught by their parents about paper work, bills and laws. Makes you wonder why these were never taught in school.

Anyway one thing lead to another, possession of drugs, plead deals and the forced conscription. Here i thought we were going to Madagascar depicted by the movie Penguins of Madagascar. Ohh boy was i wrong.

John: ... . . .

 " " \"Screenshot (1336).png\""" *(Clean outline)

John: I see

John: That explains why your documents were seemingly this hard to track, impossible to read data.

Its not my fault they using the most convoluted language that has ever existed!

The English language.

Anyways, after finishing up the outline of the form, i submitted it and continued to work on the rest. . . .

 " " \"Screenshot (1337).png\"""  " " \"Screenshot (1338).png\"""  " " \"Screenshot (1339).png\"""  " " \"Screenshot (1340).png\"""(Base - Blue / Purple Gradient)

(Left eye compared to right eye example)

I usually start with the head, because its the most colorful and important part of the body for me. Im not sure how i can describe it. But when coloring, what ever the color scheme of the head is it usually dictates the rest of the body colors.

Fancy popping colors for the head, mellow complementing colors for the body then darker tones for the legs and shoes.

John: I see, what about the kettle then?

Don't rush me! Were saving the best part for the last. . . .

 " " \"Screenshot (1341).png\"""(Base pink) - For the hair




 " " \"Screenshot (1342).png\"""*(Realized the face outline was still there, i increased the display order of the hair layer to overlap and hide the face outline)

(Light Pink gradient top) (Light Green gradient bottom) . . .




 " " \"Screenshot (1343).png\"""*(One of the most demanding parts) (Adding Shading and light strokes throughout the entire hair layer)

I made sure to Alpha lock the layer so that the strokes i create won't spread out. After deciding which direction the light source would originate, i planned out not just for me but all of the other characters and props shall experience the same.




 " " \"Screenshot (1344).png\"""*(Ominous looking white reflection)

Hhahaha, i was just thinking that the hair was sort of lacking something. Although it looks rusty as heck, its better than leaving the base pink alone.

John: Gay

Mr. Pink will get mad i i do that.

John: Seems pretty gay to me.





 " " \"Screenshot (1345).png\"""*(Going back to the outline)

I always make sure to remove the layers that are on top of the skin of the face, so that i can color it all neatly.

John: Why not just color the skin first?

I tried doing that before, and about half of the time, the skin color didn't match the color scheme of the rest. Its not that i used some weird skin color such as Yellow or Black. Rather i tend to color certain parts of the body such as the hair, eyes and cloths in a way that would catch the eye.

Basically shouting.


The rest are just supporting mellow colors that compliment or blend well with the primary colors.

So for the skin i went with crisp peachy white.




 " " \"Screenshot (1346).png\"""  " " \"Screenshot (1347).png\"""(After returning the layers i hid, i went back to drawing the face. Starting with the mouth.




 " " \"Screenshot (1348).png\"""_(I remember now)

I was getting annoyed on how should i draw the tongue, after going back and forth for half an hour. I just decided, Fuck it! No tongue outline we go!

John: Fancy looking tongue

*Licks john on the cheek

John: ohh you!

( UWU ) /




 " " \"Screenshot (1349).png\"""(Cringe green for the shirt base) (Swamp green for the pants)




 " " \"Screenshot (1350).png\"""*(After turning off the body outline, i focused on the shirt for now) Added Light yellow-green Gradient top Added Swamp green Gradient bot.




 " " \"Screenshot (1351).png\"""(if i use the same color as the shirt, the smaller details such as the buttons and pockets would be harder to see)

That's why i went with lighter colors for these. I pretty much used the same process of gradient, though the base color for the pockets was yellow green instead of green.




 " " \"Screenshot (1352).png\"""(After adding some lighting and shading)

I felt proud doing this, instead of giving up like what i used to do. I persevere and managed to turn the cringe green into a slick looking yellow-green shirt.

*Ignore the Green stripe on the bottem left pocket. I added shadow within the wrong layer. But when all the layers are turned on it looks fine.




 " " \"Screenshot (1353).png\"""*(Added the leather boots)

On the pants section, since the color scheme was already good enough. I didn't bother changing it too much.




 " " \"Screenshot (1354).png\"""  " " \"Screenshot (1355).png\"""*(Added some lighting and shading)

Now some of you peeps maybe super confused as if the order of how things went might be different. The answer to that is to simplify things, i never thought of it before but i noticed when i was showing my friends the raw step by step process. They would be lost on what to track because there were so many overlapping lines. The other problem is i merged some of the layers both to save time and cut on memory cost.

Im not sure if your noticing it, on the upper middle portion of the screen. You can see that the save when loaded occupies 1.4GB

When i merged all the layers concerning my character it dropped to less than 100Mb. So having 50+ layers just so i could present it on a orderly fashion is interfering with the drawing process.

Hhahah, i sort Tunnel vision when im drawing and forget from time to time that i was going to make a hive post about this.




 " " \"Screenshot (1356).png\"""  " " \"Screenshot (1357).png\"""*(Added lighting and shadows)

Nobody cares about the brows, tsk.





 " " \"Screenshot (1358).png\"""MAGNIFICENT! COLOR!

Brown and Red pink Base color (Red gradient bottom) (Light pink top)




 " " \"Screenshot (1359).png\"""LIGHTING SO GUD! SHADOWS ARE VERY POGGERS!

Aghh i can't take. This part is the best!

John: *Whips out camera

*The age restriction has changed from 18+ to Degenerates

Anyways im calm now

John: good, the sun is almost setting. I should get going now, i'll return tomorrow.

Yeah thats fine, the sun is setting anyways. It was fun talking to you john.

*John leaves.

Aghh, so yeah that's about it.

 " " \"Takuri Vietnam.png\"""

(Version 1) .




 " " \"Takuri vietnam 2.png\"""

(Version 2).




I thought the shading on the legs were a bit lacking, so when i tried to fix it. That's when i realized that the proportion for the cloths got wonky.

Firstly the shirt was too thicc. Im sure you already realize it but when i was drawing it, in my head i was thinking of the shirt just dangling. But nope! i fucked it up

Secondly i was coloring the skin outline for the legs, instead of adding a bit more length and width for pants. That's why it seems like my character has chicken legs.

Asides from that hopefully i learn from this and manage to get the proportions right for the Upcoming characters.

@acidyo @hiddenblade @veryspider @ryivhnn @apsu @thilah @rainite

If you peeps want to create your own story, just comment it or Dm me on discord. Otherwise imma just create some stuff for you.

Asides from that, im feeling a tad bit tired to continue on hahha. I guess that about it. Learned some stuff after getting this piece critiqued by @ryivhnn and @zeroooc

 " " \"Ozziemadlad.png\"""

With dying love from *(Macho kitty)

Thanks for watching and leave a comment so i can reply on what you think about the post. Hahhaa

  • with lots of mayo, Takuri

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Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:

Hive Power Up Month - Feedback from Day 21

Another well placed curation.

Maybe next week i'll make a post.

The art of milking rewards. Using the Acidyo exploit and explaining why they used a blue whale for the logo.

*Note this is just a shit post made by guy high on substances

You've put a lot of effort into this!
I appreciate that you went into detail with the write-up and showed all your steps.

Love it!


The kettle demon of the satanic church instructed me to do so.

My PTSD makes me hallucinates that the others are still alive.

*Where is rainite!


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Grrrr its a fucking bot!