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RE: Introduce Myself: Dalia Borges [ESP | ENG]

in #ocd4 years ago

Nice to meet you! I am glad that you started posting on hive! I was curious and wanted to ask how you heard about hive, and also I'm wondering how familiar you are with crypto/blockchain and the governance model of hive (delegated proof of stake)

If your English is pretty good, you might find this information enlightening.

If you are into listening to podcasts.. you should checkout the LeoFinance podcast on Spotify and listen from oldest to newest so if you want to hear @khaleelkazi document the history of the hive blockchain. Aswell as The CryptoManiacs with @taskmaster4450 and @jongolson who do a podcast twice a week!

I'll leave this here incase you still have any questions.. there is lots and lots of info and guides on hive.. so let me known if you have any questions, and I'll try and help you out as much as possible!