Awesome art and interesting story haha!
I like to say that ( us ) creatives never get bored.
In fact, I recently told somebody that I don't get bored. I can always think of things to do.
Isn't it kind of a kids thing? In the late 80s / early 90s we used to say "we are bored" to our parents, to point out that we would like to watch TV or play computer games. Things have changed a lot, since then. Or not? ;<)
Oh yes, an artist can't get bored. Unless, at least for me, someone would press me to do the same thing over and over again. Or if I would put that pressure on myself. I think it is the freedom of choosing what we want to do as artists makes us stay away from boredom and creative rut. When I feel free I feel the most creative
You're right. I totally agree with you on that. It's repetition that easily makes us feel bored but we usually have way more options of / freedom in how to do things than we think we have ( even if it comes to repetitive tasks )
Freedom! 💚
Nothing whispers sweet sounds in my ear like the word ✨freedom✨