I have only used bidbots twice in my year here and results haven’t been convincing for me but this sounds interesting indeed. Can anyone delegate to it and receive the distribution or is their a minimum? I would like to consider it as I continue to add to my stake. While I may not use it, it could add to the support of the community who do.
Posted using Partiko iOS
There is no minimum and anyone can delegate but I don't recommend small users to put all their stake there as it is better to keep it active and use it in the community to get growth. For yourself, that is a different story and you might put a little there to see how it goes.
Thanks! I always target delegating 20-30% of my SP as I know other create more value than me (even though I strive to do my best). I will give it a try the next time I power up some Steem!
Posted using Partiko iOS