Odds and Ends — 11 March 2025


Cryptocurrency, Investing, Money, Economy, Business, and Debt:

Coinbase Plans India Comeback After Securing Regulatory Registration With FIU

A Quick Shift in Just Three Weeks

Just 20 days ago, the US stock market was sitting at all-time highs. The US economy appeared to be growing at a solid pace. And a recession was nowhere in sight.
Now, the R-word is seemingly everywhere.

Senate Banking Committee to Vote on Bipartisan 'Genius' Stablecoin Bill This Week

…the bill could require issuers to comply with future orders that may instruct them to "seize, freeze, burn, or prevent the transfer of payment stablecoins" or else block digital assets and accounts with "reasonable particularity."

Coronavirus News, Analysis, and Opinion:

Covid’s Deadliest Effect Took Five Years to Appear

…Covid didn’t just change billions of individual lives. It changed our country’s basic approach to public health, in fundamental ways that are becoming fully visible only now — and which the Trump administration looks likely to render irreversible…
Covid was a privatized pandemic. It is this technocratic, privatized model that is its lasting legacy and that will define our approach to the next pandemic. It solves some problems, but on balance it’s a recipe for disaster. There are some public goods that should never be privatized.

Welcome to the Planned Crash:

Stock Market Tumbles as White House Downplays ‘Blips’

…Donald Trump’s senior advisers downplayed fresh economic turbulence Monday as the administration’s escalating trade war deepened a sell-off on Wall Street and renewed fears about the stability of the U.S. economy.
As all three major U.S. stock indexes slumped, Trump’s team projected confidence that the volatility would prove temporary and that an economic boom set off by tax cuts would follow later this year. But investors have been unsettled by Trump’s willingness to impose tariffs that go even beyond his sweeping campaign promises, with hundreds of billions in new import duties already levied and trillions more poised to take effect on April 2.

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U.S. Added to Global Human Rights Watchlist Over Declining Civil Liberties

The Chilling Effect

We are witnessing an extraordinarily broad chilling effect in American society. It is not just what you want to say, but what you are allowed to ask. It is about both formal government actions and informal threats, with threats of professional ruin or even violence from the President’s supporters. It is about both censorship and self-censorship. It is about a sense of collective fear.

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Ruth Marcus Quits the Washington Post

A top political columnist for The Washington Post resigned today, accusing Post chief executive and publisher Will Lewis of killing her column that criticized owner Jeff Bezos's drive to overhaul the opinion pages to focus on his libertarian priorities.
Post columnist and Associate Editor Ruth Marcus, who has worked at the paper for four decades, says she can no longer stay there.
”Jeff's announcement that the opinion section will henceforth not publish views that deviate from the pillars of individual liberties and free markets threatens to break the trust of readers that columnists are writing what they believe, not what the owner has deemed acceptable,” Marcus wrote in a resignation letter obtained by NPR.

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Justices to Hear Challenge to Conversion Therapy Ban

The Supreme Court said on Monday that it will hear a First Amendment challenge to a Colorado law banning professional counseling services engaged in conversion therapy intended to change a minor’s gender identity or sexual orientation.
More than 20 states have similar laws, which are supported by leading medical groups. Kaley Chiles, a licensed professional counselor, challenged the constitutionality of the Colorado law in federal court, saying it violated her rights to free speech and the free exercise of religion.

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Alito ‘Stunned’ By Court Exercising Judicial Power He Championed & Expanded Just Months Ago

There is plenty of commentary making the rounds regarding the 5-4 Supreme Court decision confirming that of course a judge can issue a Temporary Restraining Order to maintain the status quo and require USAID pay out the money that it owes to contractors for work already done. But beneath the straightforward legal question lies a revealing pattern of inconsistency from some of the Court’s conservatives.
The eye-opening thing about Alito’s dissent is how completely it contradicts positions he took just months ago. And not in subtle ways — we’re talking about fundamental questions of judicial power that Alito seems to view entirely differently depending on which party controls the White House.

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A Chill Sets In for Undocumented Workers

President Trump has broadcast plans for a “mass deportation,” and the opening weeks of his second term have brought immigration enforcement operations in cities across the United States, providing a daily drumbeat of arrests that, while so far relatively limited, are quickly noted in group chats among migrants.
Fear has gripped America’s undocumented workers. Many are staying home.
The impact is being felt not only in immigrant homes and communities, but also in the industries that rely on immigrants as a source of willing and inexpensive labor, including residential construction, agriculture, senior care and hospitality. American consumers will soon feel the pain.

Corporate DEI Was a Tool of the Elite. Ironically, So Is This Backlash.

The battle over diversity and inclusion has always been about labor. But Trump was able to frame it as something else.

Under Pressure From Republicans, D.C. Begins Removal of Black Lives Matter Mural

The mural, spelling ‘BLACK LIVES MATTER’ in bright yellow letters, covered two blocks of 16th Street NW. It was painted in June 2020, turning the pavement into a pedestrian zone called Black Lives Matter Plaza.
But its fate has been in question since President Trump returned to the White House in January, and last week the mayor, Muriel Bowser, said that the mural would be removed. Her announcement came shortly after Representative Andrew Clyde, a Republican from Georgia, introduced legislation threatening to withhold millions in federal funds from the city unless the mural was removed and the plaza renamed.

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Federal judge blocks Trump administration from deporting pro-Palestinian activist Mahmoud Khalil

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The world regulated sulfur in ship fuels − and the lightning stopped


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