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RE: How To Connect Power Inverter ~ Setting Up Off Grid Solar

in #off-grid7 years ago

they are lithium batteries. The reality is that i hired out a friend to do it...he had recently started a solar company here in Guatemala. I was appreciative that he spoke english when it came to a specialized thing like solar. I speak spanish well...but vocab and understanding when it comes to unique stuff can get tricky...even in english...depending on the thing. but anyway.
so we have several meetings on my needs at the hostal...i needed a freezer, 2 fridges, an espresso machine and various lights hooked up to the solar. he sold me an inverter rated for pulls up to 3000. now our large glass, double door beer fridge can pull over 2000 when it ranks every so often...multiple things would rank up and the whole system would shut down...we would switch it back on and it would be fine. this started happening more and more frequently. my buddy said maybe we should of gotten you one for 5000. the system blew...i called in another solar company about replacing the inverter. the guy was certainly more professional...and now i was more familiar with solar and so the spanish didnt effect things. basically the guy said my friend sold me a pretty simple set up...designed for a houses needs. but i was a business. with industrial needs. I bought the new guys inverter and added some more panels. its for i believe 5 or 6000 total pulls. 3 months without a hitch...sometimes we get no sun and i have to switch to the grid, but thats to be expected....
i am so often learning by braille down here. i eventually get there though


Wow, lithium batteries are awesome!!! I am currently running 8 golf cart batteries in my off grid wood shop and electronics shop. Powers all my tools and equipment as needed with a 3,000 watt inverter. But I dont run more than a single tool at one time in the wood shop.

Ask Troy the solar expert how many batteries he killed through misuse and abuse while he was living the high life in New York State.@buttcoins

Most of them donated by his followers, who are mostly now blocked.

Ask him about the donated, $1,000 reconditioned forklift battery that was dead in less than six months.

Troy is a lot of things, but solar expert isn't one of them.

I dont need to ask him. even if it is true...i find you more pathetic. I have read all through your forum and diy suck page. people plotting to destroy a person...because he transports pedophiles, mail orders brides, makes shitty t-shirts, begs for money, misuses donations, doesnt actually know the things he makes videos about.... Do you even understand where you you even understand what steemit is? no...because you are only here to troll him. that is pathetic and petty. Do you know how many scammers from all over the world are here. Steemit is riddled with beggars, thieves, sex peddlers, and fake videos. im not defending DIY...i dont give a fuck about telling YOU to get the fuck of steemit. if you are not going to engage with this community in a way that is about you....go away and shrivel in your bored crippled, vindictive hole of an empty existence. If every one of the things you say about him are just makes you more sad and pathetic...wasting your life trolling around after him thinking you are some savior. Do you know how many actual dangerous scammers in the world there are...why dont you find a new a few more people from themselves elsewhere...the world is riddled with horrible could save us all one scammer at a time from your little cripple troll cave.
but you can do it away from steemit....a place you dont give a shit about...other than that you want to ruin DIY.
you guys have been wasting your energy and time on this campaign for 4 years...your little group forum openly is trying to find info to screw him.... figuring out possible profits from tshirts...or questioning how much a clothes wardrobe for his mail order bride should cost. fucking pathetic. I could give 2 shits if he is guilty of any of these random cobbled together string of accusations...i just dont want you or anybody like you near me or on this site. we are adults. we can figure out for ourselves. and if DIY scams me or others for donation or upvotes here...well thats our own stupid fault. i dont need you hovering around pointing pathetic bored fingers. Move something for your own life. you are helping no one here.

i dont need you hovering around pointing pathetic bored fingers.

So ignore me.

And thanks for the personal insults. Classy.