These are two extremely important questions Mr. Reid . Questions you have ignored in the past or blocked the persons inquiring .
1 : Are you affiliated with ' CHRISTIAN ASSEMBLIES INTERNATIONAL ' ?
2 : When discharged from the army what were the terms . Was it an ' Honorable Discharge ' or something else ?
Two very important questions by which to judge a mans character . Looking forward to your silence and downvote .
Why is the discharge information covered up . What are you hiding ?
he is hiding someone elses service...
I bet its his fathers dd-214
I was hiding my personal information. It does not matter. Your friend doc called it all a fake anyway.
So even if I showed the entire thing you would still call it a fake isn't that right?
Asking those types of questions will get you banned . But Wait !!! No deleting nor blocking here at steemit . That's so unfortunate for Mr. Fruitloops . You can bet on a politicians answer for those questions . A lot of double talk but no substance .
If you do not like our videos, you can certainly go elsewhere.
Nobody forces you to be here.
oh hell troy we dont watch your videos on YT but we do watch them you just dont get the views...
Were never leaving you till you leave the internet, we will always be around, hell were on shifts...
I appreciate you pulling a double for me today. I had some important troll stuff to do. Bridge needed reinforcing and some weeds cut.
No thanks
I'm going to Siskel and Ebert your ass till they take you away in cuffs
There are no secrets on our videos.
We make daily videos of our lives on the homestead.
@thediyworld *There are no secrets on our videos” LOL How many times have you said that we don’t know what’s going on because you only show a fraction of your lives on video? Make up your mind. Actually, I think you lost your mind years ago.
Oh, we dont hide anything about our homestead or off grid living.
But we no longer share our personal lives like I used to.
Trolls, harassment and vandalism ruined that :(
I'm still waiting to see the proof of the vandalism and harassment
your full of shit
its a hoax, all your videos are lie
loved the last one where you said you had no meters.. your full of SHIT
In many of your videos you show a volt meter, DUMASS YOU CAN USE THAT
It was 4 whole days since he got that meter gifted to him...
It is long gone on Craigslist...
Oh look a meter and its in your brown lizards hands, its ok to call her that you called her that in a video, you remember?
Like this:

You are a lying scum. That meter was a gift to Melanie and I am going to teach her how to use it.
I wonder though. Why is my faith and my military record so "extremely important" on a homesteading video?
If you were a member of Peoples Temple, an American church under the leadership of Jim Jones it would totally relevant, correct? Do you know how Jim Jones is Troy? Or maybe if you were a member of the Branch Davidians under the leadership of David Koresh it would be equally relevant. If you belong to Christian Assemblies International then it would be VERY important.
Why? A Pentecostal church based on the King James Bible?
Anyway, this is a homesteading channel.
And is this not America where freedom of religion is a protected right?
CAI is not recognized by the US Government nor the Pentecostal Church.
The CAI founder is a Pedophile.
Actually it is not recognized in the US. So what?
He was accused by 30 year old men. FAR from what you say.
The charges were dropped - which you forget to say.
And he is dead anyway.
No, Scott Williams died before trial. If nothing else you are finally admitting he was a sexual predator.
So, anyway, are you attacking homosexuals now?
Because the accusers were 30 year old men.
So is it not a freedom of choice in America???
Actually the charges were dropped BEFORE he died.
He was just a caring man.
Being accused of something does not make you guilty.
Trolls make perfect example of why that should be.
I repeat my question - maybe you missed it:
And is this not America where freedom of religion is a protected right?
Religion is protected. Cults are not.
Oh really?
So who defines what is a cult and what is a religion in your book?
Is not this America where we have freedom of religion???
@hog2hog I'd like to know why @thediyworld claims that he is a veteran, yet claims to Not utilize the VA for medical issues.
Wasn't it last year when Reid got sick and was off YT (went black) for almost the entire week?
Then made rediculous excuses for not seeing a doctor.
You do know why since I talked about it many times before.
Very odd that you would ask such questions here on a video about homesteading.
And why so bold and hi-lighted?
We have covered all those points in the past. I took the time to look up the video I made:
I didn't see anything in there about Christian Assemblies International.
Why should that matter? This is a channel about homesteading.
Why do you guys ask questions but never answer mine?
You are on my blog. Dont I get to ask questions too?