The donate button clearly says, "PLEASE DONATE." That is YOU asking for donations. So you LIE again. And yes, I receive gifts from people occaisionally...not every single day. And I don't use them to guilt others into giving me more gifts.
Where I come from a man wants to work hard to take care of the people they love. If they love their wife they don't want them to shower from a bucket or work twice as hard to do laundry. If they have a child they love they don't put them in a Rubbermaid container. No. They want the BEST they can afford for them. They work hard to make more money to put them on the pedestal. Why? Because the love is mutual. But oh, not Troy. He's too lazy to work. He just wants to get by in life. Never mind the fact that his wife and kid have a miserable poor existence, which makes life on them difficult. Here's some deer food scraps, honey. ENJOY! Here's an empty Diet Coke can for you daughter to play with. ENJOY! Here's our beautiful car that hasn't run for weeks because I can't afford a $50 part. ENOY! You're a bum. The sooner your wife and/or daughter realize it and leave your lazy ass in the cold Michigan snow the better off everyone will be.
I do not understand your problem.
We simply make videos of our daily lives on the homestead.
You will never hear me ask for anything on video.
If you do not like us then find some other form of entertainment.
My problem is that you are a fraud. You create videos that are lies. Because you are too lazy to work your wife and child live like they are in a 3rd world country. You pray on the stupid to exist...those who are too stupid to know you are a fraud and who donate money and things to you so you can sit on your ass and type on the Internet all day. THAT is my problem, Troy.
You must be jealous of me.
Who cares how I make my money. Google pays my check.
That should not matter to you.
I dont care how you make your money.
If google pays you with checks then why do you e-beg...
I wonder....
Are you angry with sports players who play a game for a living?
Are you angry with movie stars who make videos for a living?
Why then should you be angry with a YouTuber who makes videos for a living?
But heres the difference,
People in show business you know if its fiction or non fiction, you use your house and property and family and you put out fiction, cause everything you do is a lie.
You lie in every single video
You begged for everything in NY, every other video was begging for something... and when you got donations and gifts you sold them on craigslist.
basically your a fraud and a e-beggar
Again. Google pays my check. I pay my own bills from that.
All we do is show videos of our daily lives on the homestead.
If you do not believe us - that is fine
If you do not like us - that is fine.
Then just find something you like instead.
Harassment is a criminal offense.
Hating us and remaining here is criminal harassment.
hating you and being here we tell people of your e-begging ways and you fraud, and your fake videos
its not criminal harassment its the truth
If you don't like it get off the internet
You disappear from the internet and we will leave you alone.
Till that day happens count on us all being joined to your hip and telling the world about you and your frauds and e-begging
I have already told Troy where I will be at 8pm. He does not have much time to get to Tampa. How are those batteries holding up in the cold. Mine need to be cooled via two extractor fans as its currently 83 outside.
His are dead, his batteries get the same care as his animals. You saw the video of all the dead chickens from him being to lazy or going on vacation and letting them fend for themselves.
He neglects everything, notice how he makes his wife do everything cause his knee, well dam she gave birth and he has a boo boo on his knee yet he treats her like a slave...
More and more neglect
Don't forget the countless broken ribs and the wasp sting. He will always play sick when there is work to be done and always has. Remember his video telling us how he was always sick but now he is healthy from eating weeds and berries then we see a weeks worth of videos saying he hasn't done much because he was too sick to go outside. So the animals fended for themselves and often kicked the bucket while waiting on troy