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RE: Homestead Gardening & Making Our Own Chicken Sausages & Burgers

in #off-grid7 years ago

@thediyworld, See, I've been saying all along, YOU have FAILED to Prove you are Consuming solar electricity in either the trailer or tiny house.

Like your idea of showing "meters" will solve anything.

Again, show all your toys, lights and appliances connected to solar and running.

You can't because you do not have solar except in the shed.
You can't because this is why your are to this day, making Excuses.

Nothing but EXCUSES!



Actually you are just trolling.

I have shown our solar power and how we use things here many times.

Yet you guys still call it all props and deny it.

Insane really

No, the only time you’ve shown anything running on solar is when you run a few tools in the spank shed and when you dragged the mini washer all the way over to the sheds. You have never had any solar power in the trailer or cabin. Why you continue to lie about it is baffling.

Wrong. Just about everything is powered by solar.

(so you can sit on the couch all day and night, remember, you said you're addicted ),
You had your laptop and cell phone Plugged Into the Wall Outlet charging!!
Your "Update Excuses" video had the Ceiling light on while recording.
No extension cords running acrost the yard to solar.
All ON GRID.@thediyworld, Again, all LIES. You even showed the day you made that lame plywood board to put your keyboard on your lap

You really believe you are fooling us?

or some BS ?
You got a couple of used batteries??@thediyworld, And then you say now you are "tearing the solar down and building some solar generator now"

You never had the solar to the house or trailer to begin with!

It's all a shell game with you.

Why you continue to argue against what I show in videos is baffling

Are you that stupid that you can't see how showing an electric bill would prove you are 95% off grid? Any off grid videos I watch they are proud to prove how much they save or how their systems work. You only show basic kindergarten solar setups that wouldn't power a house. Powering up a little shed is not a big feat but powering your trailer would be. Yep, you are that stupid