The straits of "banklessness"

in #offchain6 months ago

The context

OffChain Luxembourg aims to be a "bankless" association. In our "Statutes" (articles of association), Art.8 states that we want, in as much as possible, to function without a (classical) bank account. In practice that means that ... we use the Hive blockchain itself as our bank!

However, as long as there aren't many economic actors around us accepting HIVE or HBD, we still need to pay with euros. So how do we do it?

The problem

We have recently acquired a roll-up, to decorate our meet-up and event settings. The roll-up also sports a simple QR Code that allows anyone to send us an e-mail inquiring about membership possibilities.

Our roll-up. Note that for the time being, redirects to this blog

The roll-up has been realized by "Imprimerie Quintus" who invoiced us 115.83€

Our solution

Our current solution is as follows: one of our "Directors" (the law requires us to declare a "Board of Directors", limiting decentralization in practice) does the payment himself and then the organization reimburses in HBD or OCLT.

Payment done by our "President" from his bank account
Currency conversion done with
Reimbursement done from the @ocl-trez "Treasury" account, with multisig


Now with MiCA's "ART" and "EMT" chapters in application, here's to convincing local business to accept HBD payments!


Being a pioneer was never easy. I hope you succeed in keeping the organization as decentralized as you intend to, while navigating the world of rules and laws.