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RE: Off Grid Coffee Maker

in #offgrid7 years ago

You guys are so kind :) I just do what I can! I think that we are so blessed to have connected, to support and help each other in a very positive way! Relationships can be hard to find with this lifestyle. Its nice that we have each other to bounce ideas off of. :) I am so blessed, honoured and grateful to know you both.

I agree with the earthship being daunting...i was actually thinking about a cord wood home for thermal mass, but that is alot of cement to haul into the bush. So now i am thinking maybe earth bag for thermal mass, with earthship principles? LOL Going to test it out on a small greenhouse...single room idea...another thing on my list. :)

Love how the memories flood back. :) Makes me smile. I often wish that I would have paid more attention to the stories shared back then.

Off i go to the black fly buffet! I want to get the garden fence finished today, so i can get everything in this weekend. :) Huge love to you both Thank you for the love! it means more than you know!


It is true. You do amazing work. You seem to handle so many things. I am sure there are times when you don't feel that way but you do make it look easy. I know how hard it is to live this lifestyle at times and I was a single parent for a while. To add the two of them together is amazing.

I think the earth bags is a fantastic idea. Then you could fill them in your spare time and get a bunh made up for when you are ready to start. That would make it way easier. Filling tires is great but very labor intensive. The concept would be the same.

I sure hope you get it all done. I see on the weather that your area is due for some rain. We are trying to get a bunch of stuff done before the rain comes. Having a few rain days will be a nice break.

Have a great day.