Lighting For Everyone The STEEMIT Way

in #offgrid7 years ago

JOULESTEEM Charging Experiments: The High Power Charger Variant with BACKUP - Post #51

The circuit as illustrated below is a variant of the JOULESTEEM High Power Charger as per my last post that can be read here:

Further, this is another variant of the JOULESTEEM GI Metal Variant, but this time it is improved substantially by adding an LC high pass filter circuit at the antenna end and further boosted by the effect of the grounding in one direction on the same arrangement within the LC high pass filter.

I need to mention in this post that this is by far the best circuit that I had arranged that charges big batteries optimally while at the same time the source batteries seems to “self recharge”.

The addition of the backup batteries at the GI metal end of the circuit will enable this circuit to run and charge the big capacity batteries “theoretically forever” (cross our fingers).


Illustrated below is the circuit of a JOULESTEEM High Power Charger with BACKUP source batteries (another variant to the GI Metal grounding approach):

It may be worth explaining as to “how” this new variant has become another step better than the previous high power charger:

  1. The source batteries at 2x 11 volts in series is arranged for a total of 22 volts; this enables the circuit to charge 2x big capacity batteries (70Ah in parallel), with said big batteries as the main source of power for any important electrical loads. A very versatile example of a load is an “inverter” which transforms DC voltage to AC voltage to power common household appliances; even at 150 watts total load this will be a very helpful circuit arrangement for remote and offgrid home locations.

  2. The charge batteries at the GI metal end of the circuit is arranged to be able for the said circuit to have a backup source batteries just in case; best if these 7Ah batteries will be “swapped” every 3 hours so as to have a longer lifespan.

  3. The addition of an LC circuit at the antenna part of the JOULESTEEM is able to “high pass filter” the frequencies as picked up by the antenna, the immediate effect for such an arrangement is that the circuit runs at very low drain to the source batteries but at the same time the big capacity batteries were being charged.

It is worth noting that the big capacity batteries as charged were intended to be used for “any useful” electrical loads. Just imagine if said batteries will be the batteries for an inverter, then powering up AC household appliances up to about 150 watts can be achieved already.

If this circuit will run forever, imagine one’s relief if one’s home is at the top of Mount Everest (just to emphasize the real purpose of such offgrid approaches to low-power electrical needs which comprises the majority of needs in all homes).


High Power Charger with BACKUP Literally Means Power Forever In Every Home

My main pupose in the study of these unusually efficient circuits is to have a simple means to charge big batteries “consistently” at any time of the day and at any location. No sun? No problem. No wind? No problem. But no more source batteries? This is clearly a problem of the previous circuits no matter how powerful they may be; hence, a BACKUP source battery that is charged while the main source batteries are doing its job of charging big capacity batteries will be a very welcome development.

Not only are the preliminary results interesting, but very very unusual indeed for this high power charger variant, I will enumerate:

  1. The small source batteries is clearly running at very low discharge rate; as an experimenter’s opinion, I can clearly observe that it is somewhat self-charging from “unknown” power sources as picked up by the antenna thru the high pass LC filter.

  2. The big charge batteries are clearly charged optimally, even at 2x parallel arrangement. This is a very odd behaviour for this circuit because the smaller sized source batteries are seemingly “discharging very slow”, in fact it is very slow because there is a certain voltage level that the small source batteries seems to stop discharging and yet the big capacity batteries kept charging.

  3. The frequency is fairly high at about 500 Hz to 1.2Khz at its optimal operation; this indicates a good performance.

  4. The oscillating transistor is not hot to the touch, rather it is somewhat cold. The switching transistor at the GI pipe end is a little bit warm to the touch, this is due to the fact that the said transistor is processing the “hot” electricity type as gathered by the capacitor and dumped into the small backup batteries for charging purposes.

  5. The charges on the charge batteries are “for real”, both for the backup small sized batteries and the big capacity charge batteries. If I replace the source batteries with the backup batteries, it will be the backup batteries’ turn to seemingly not discharge.

  6. The one-way connection of the ground as arranged on the LC high pass filter clearly adds to the good performance; the circuit will not oscillate and start if no grounding is present. This also adds to my conclusion that both the “air” and the “ground” have electrical potentials, clearly demonstrating the effects of a big Earth capacitor as described by the late Nikola Tesla.

  7. Overall the circuit is running cold all the while charging big capacity batteries and the small backup batteries. Amazing to say the least because we now have a circuit that makes it all possible for us to just swap batteries to become source batteries; the possibilities will be endless if we will succeed in this experimentation.


It is also worth noting in this post the final results of the previous circuit as discussed earlier on post #50, in which the GI variant High Power Charger did not effectively charge the big capacity batteries due to switching problems, it seems that the transistor is kept at a “closed” state due to fact that the 3 watts bulb is somewhat small and will readily turn on the transistor in a continuous fashion which is not good for charging big capacity batteries.

A new approach has to be devised so that the transistor will turn on and turn off at set intervals as dictated by the LED bulb which acts as the primary switching mechanism. This exact problem was solved by the addition of the LC high pass filter and the ground which all acts as a natural on-off switch as far as the LED bulb is concerned, exactly like a push-pull action.


I need to say to everyone reading these posts that this circuit as presented in this blog post #51 of the JOULESTEEM circuit will be the very foundation of all experimentations as will be presented in the next blogs. We have already achieved ery good results, even if still at an initial stage. Our experimentations will satisfy all our questions in the upcoming blogs. It is my sole aim that the JOULESTEEM circuit will be able to run loads in all homes all over the world, even at the 150 watts range with a mix of “forever” will surely bring many solutions especially in cold places as well as very remote areas where sun and wind is an impossibility.

We can do this guys; please support these posts, share it to as many people as you can, come visit these posts and upvote the JOULESTEEM circuit.

Stay warm tonight those of you in the midst of unending snows.

“Nothing Is Impossible To Those Who Seek The Truth……...”


Nice concept @lightingmacsteem.

Hi... Thank you for the good words. Do stay tuned for more interesting posts.

thinks for the info

Youre welcome my friend. Regards.

Good post

Many thanks my friend. Do not forget to upvote these posts as I just started the @minnowminer program to re-distribute the 33 percent of all SBD gains of these posts.

You can learn and earn here. Regards.

Thank you sharing @lightingmacsteem....

Thank you for your upvote. Starting at post #51 of @lightingmacsteem and all posts of @minnowminer, all who upvoted will also share one-third of the SBD author rewards.

After 3 days there are generous supporters who will upvote these posts so that the minnows will have the best opportunity to share in the SDB rewards.

All will learn and earn here my friend, please help in spreading this news. Regards.

Okay @lightingmacsteem ..... Supporting each other steemit users is a beautiful concept for me....

Nice post

Thanks for the nice words @sanasara. All will earn and learn here. These circuitry approaches may save lots of people one day.


Try building an "Earth battery". use copper and zinc or EMT tubing as electrodes.


It gives one much joy to find like-minded people; YES I have already played with these approaches at the very early stages of my experiments.

Thank you for the info. Do stay in touch for more JOULESTEEM posts.

The main problem with gathering atmospheric energy is lightning strikes, destroying your semiconductors. Liked, followed.

Thanks man. YEP, that is one problem that needs to be addressed in every design.

Just an info however, in the last 6 plus years that I am playing around with this approach, and this is a fact that SE Asia is a lighting infested region, I have never experienced lightning strikes.

A good grounding is always best for these types of circuits. Thanks and do support.

Hiii,salam kenal

Definitely a good science project, and I wish best of luck.
thanksHello from @sjob

Thank you so much for the kind words my friend. Do support the information campaign of the JOULESTEEM circuit. This may help lots of lives. Regards.

Curious, do you have any photographs of the circuits you can share? This is interesting, thank you.

I would strongly suggest purchasing Forrest Mims III books from ebay- they have all of the "building blocks" of electronic circuitry. 741 OP amps, 555 timers, LM386 audio amplifiers, you name it- he has breadboarded everything. When I was 15, I read his books and still have an extensive library of his work, while most kids were playing space invaders and reading comic books. link---->

Thank you! I will check it out.


Actually my main focus here on STEEMIT is information campaign as this is more of a blogging platform. At the Engineering forums, the need of a circuit presentation rather than pictures is more of a need for those that wants to replicate, hence I decided to put circuits.

Maybe in the future when I will present my own website for the JOULESTEEM circuit we can meet again there for these pictures. By the way, if you are not a technical person, I present these circuits with clear explanations so that all you have to do is just bring this to any knowledgeable individual in the field of circuitry, they may be your neighbor, friend, family members or just anybody.

Do standby for more posts here. Regards.

I studied physics at high school and circuit boards and diagrams of them always intrigued me. It gradually became very clear that I was far more visually orientated than mathmatically and I switched vocations.

I'm very interested in energy created without using wind turbines and the planet's natural resources. And although I don't totally understand the 'hows' of it all, I love the idea of someone who does understand, setting in motion a system where others can support this initiative. Following and will support by upvoting the JOULESTEEM circuit. Resteeming. 🦋

Thank you so much for your encouraging words, nice to know like-minded people here supporting this program. Your account name speaks for yourself, you are a friend in the spirit, at least for the very core intentions of the JOULESTEEM circuit and whatever benefits it may bring to all people, firstly the STEEMIANS.

Do pass by from time to time, upvote and support. Regards.