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RE: 7/19/17 USO! USO! USO!

in #oil8 years ago

lets review QQQ crash and sign of that. IWM crash and sign of that. FB crash and sign of that. AMZN crash and burn...nope. PCLN crash and burn.....negative. NFLX crash and burn......still going against you. Dollar rally......can't find it anywhere. USO death nope not happening. SLV death spiral .....nope nothing to see there. GDX shock and awe death.......another loser. TLT crash....nope again. So what's next genius?


Thanks for pointing out those GREAT trades. Especially my "unreal" calls on the turn lower in the Q's from 143.70 to my short exit and buy call at 136.10 methinks it twas. TLT crash? Twasn't me. I'm "trying" to gt TLT back down into "buy" neighborhood. Crash today that you mentioned it. :-) Higher intrust rates "should" cause SLV n GDX to rally to crash n burn tho...or am I missing something? :-)

oh it's a turn lower now not crash and burn. Minor adjustment lol SPY 240 by the 18th? 2 day event?

I'm only intrusted in today's 1 day event. Should be a very "exciting" day. Hey, get ready for my new spew about Warren "the" Buffoon. I'm sure you will like this one. :-)

what do you think of STMP 100 to 198 in a few months? good short here at 198

Who am I to think? Actually, I'm thinking >>> "What a smuck this clown is for not following me into my GRRREAT trades?" :-) You worried about my DUST short call at 27.60? Do I look worried? >>> :O

I'll take this trade off here at 193 for $500 Alex. I'm bringing it to ya joe

Hey, ya want I shud help you out with OPK? Methinks I can get it to 6.50+ for you. Then you can just get out with a 40% loss. Whataya think? :-) OK, thank me later.

well if 6.13 to 6.50 is a loss I'll take it all day long like you gal tessie.

Yeah, not to mention the 1000's of shares you bought at $9.50+. How soon we forget. :-) How'm I doin with the Q's btw via my 2 day short. Is GBTC gonna kick my ass? Mercy me! :O

My GOOGL short at 948? bad call? You watching the same market I am btw? :-)

WTF, you gonna stop spewing like a fukkin moron now for "some reason?" I enjoy kicking your ass. Please don't stop. :-)

100% 1 day gain on my Q's right now. Should I cover? Should you go back to sleep? IDIOT! LOL

was just going to tell you i got in at .20 out here at .42 thanks for dat one

LOL Suuure ya did clown. All you just proved is that you are a fukking dick head. :-) Wait until USO is trading below 9.50 too, then come back and tell me you shorted it too, OK, chikin shit? :-)

Another 100% er fur ya joe.....100% loss that is. Farking chump!