The Real Public Perception of Changing Climate

in #oilprices5 years ago

This video was originally published 20/9/2019

A headline form Reuters reads “The next target in the climate change debate: Your Gas Stove.” Motions towards this has been already underway and dozens of liberal-leaning states such as California, Washington State and Massachusetts are studying proposals to ban and/or limit the use of natural gas, which equates to your stoves and heating supplies, in commercial and in residential buildings to fight against climate change. This, for me, is borderline absurd.

Anyway, Berkeley, California became the first US city to pass an ordinance banning gas systems in new buildings; and as you know, what California does others follow. Moreover, in the bottom paragraph, local officials and environmentalists cite mounting evidence that unburned gas leaking from pipes and compressor stations harms the climate more than carbon dioxide.

The news story further states that residential and commercial buildings account for about 12% of all the US greenhouse gas emissions. The actual number is 12.2% according to EPA. So, if this constitutes 12% of the entire total for the US, what countries are the top greenhouse gas emitters?

The chart below is from the Institute Climate Analytics and World Resources showing per capita emissions and percentages bringing us up to 2018. As shown, the United States, out of the entire global total, is at 12.2%, which is very interesting because it matches the 12.2% emission from residential and commercial buildings. Although, China is at 22.4%, and they have the most carbon emissions globally, and I am wondering why nobody is talking about that, same is true with India and Indonesia.

Media focus only seems to be on the EU and the United States. Have you heard of the other countries that you see on this list except Canada, in the news as often?

Anyway, if you do the math and compare the United States’ total global emission of 12.2% and the total emissions for the residential and commercial buildings which is 12%, actually 12.2%, it is only 1.4884% of all global emissions.

That contribution is less than 2% of the entire whole, and they wanted to ban that entirely.

They like to talk about numbers and percentages, but this one is an inconvenient number and percentage. 1.48% does not constitute an emergency.

As for California, before you ban all those cooking stoves and heating devices for residential and commercial buildings, look at what happens during the Grand Solar Minimum. Those 16 to 20 degrees Celsius below normal temperatures depicted on this graph, is about 30 to 35-degree Fahrenheit below normal happened on September 29th, far out of season.

Don’t you think you will be needing heat when it gets cold a week after summer officially ended? I think California officials forgot what happened in September or ignored what happened.

What do you think this enormous amount of snowfall just a week after the summer ends?

So, back to the issue at hand, how do we survive the Super Grand Solar Minimum now that we seem to be going down the rollercoaster? Is anybody looking at the solar cycles and how they taper off? Because this same drop-off cycle after cycle is not seen, even going back to the 1700s.

Food for thought: Where do you think we are heading with global temperatures?

This article on Zero Hedge reveals that only 38% of Americans believe humans are mainly responsible for climate change. The study went across the planet and asked the average citizen on the street, not the IPCC’s 97% consensus, “Are Humans Mainly Responsible For Climate Change?”

Some of the answers are surprising, because with the 94% consensus and the 4 decades of indoctrination, you would have thought that these numbers are much higher than they are. But only 35% of the people actually believe that humans are mainly responsible for climate change in Norway, 38% in the United States, 35% in Saudi Arabia, 44% in China, 45% in France and 48% in Germany.

These countries’ citizens have to know something about science or media manipulation to justify these results, because even Great Britain was a sliver over half, 51%, and you would have thought that with the 40 years of being pounded on the head about global warming, these numbers would be near 90%.

I guess something has gone very wrong in control of the climate narrative. India, on the other hand, is at 71%, and if you look at the statistical article, which I have linked below, it goes through quite a few other countries as well.

Thanks for reading, I hope you got something out of the article. If you like more content like this, I produce the tri-weekly Mini Ice Age Conversations podcast, 30 minutes of in-depth analysis on the GSM you can take on the go through out your day.

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*** Today’s Story Links ***

The next target in the climate-change debate: your gas stove

Percentage Calculator

Only 38% Of Americans Believe Humans Mainly Responsible For Climate Change

Are Humans Mainly Responsible for Climate Change?

USA GFS model

GFS Snowfall models

Graphic Global Reality

Time to Start Growing Indoors

Sunspot Series

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