The Iron Heel by Jack London

One good thing about my wifi being out is i got to do some reading of books.
I have been wanting to read The Iron Heel by Jack London, again.

If you havent heard of this book, it may be because Jack does a much better job of explaining oligarchical socialism than George Orwell does with Goldstein's character in 1984.

If you are seeking insight into the ruling elites and how they function you wont be wasting your time reading this one.

The story opens with Ernest Everhart attending a dinner of the well to do.
It progresses through characters close to Ernest learning first hand the truth of what Ernest has told them about how the oligarchy operates.
You will have to read it yourself to find out how it ends.
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Thought for a moment that he has a Christmas tree under his boot.

How long will your wifi be out?

Its back now.
It was pretty close to 80 hours.

Well, better late than never I suppose.

Don't have time to read anymore. The last book I read was 1984 a few years ago.

Well, here is your excuse to make time.
The Iron Heel does a better job explaining oligarchical socialism.

Hey thanks for your support bro! This is my Mom if you want to help me down vote her. So far I've flagged every one of her comments but my vote power is still to weak so nothing has happened yet. When none of her comments show up cause her ratings are low I will mute her and she will be gone for good. All I ask is that you do not respond to her. She is only looking for a fight. Just flag her.

If she keeps bugging you, i will.
Maybe she will take the clue.

I still hope you can work it out somehow, but i know what its like, too.
Just dont buy into her game, ignore her.

She left one nasty comment so far on that post I made for her LOL. Just read what she said Ha Ha. Like I said this woman is mentally ill. What the raptor meme said. In the mean time I'm looking up how to get a no contact order made so I can have her served with it. Now this is harassment. I know where she lives I just got to see how much it costs to get one of these. So if she keeps this shit of hers up she can go to jail.

You can mute her here.
I think that would stop her comments from appearing on your feed.
You will have to tell me, ive never used it.

Its usually not a good idea to involve satan in your life.
Which reminds me, i havent done a 'cops are satan' post in months.

Good point. I've muted a few people and comments still show up but they wont appear on the post. It is like the person doesn't exist. But others can see her and interact with her if they wanted. If I can't see her, I can't flag her. So I'm not muting her till she has been voted down so low her comments stop showing up. Then I will mute her so no matter what, if she comments others wont be able to see her.

The last thing I want to do is hurt my son. I thought he might be ready for rapprochement since his Dad recently apologized to me for twenty-five years of hate he directed my way, and for poisoning my relationship with my son. He isn't ready yet, sayonara...I am not a horrible person...

Ill remind him that his mom did the best she could, but right now id respect his request to be left alone.
He will change as he gets older.

I'll have to check this out... Don't really like London, but as long as this isn't one of those Lost in the frozen North stories. My dislike for London is what ultimately got me into college!

Nope this is straight explaining the dystopia similar to brave new world and 1984, except i think it fits today much closer than either of those.

Im surprised that it isnt mentioned in the same sentences as those other two.
I attribute that to getting the explanation accurately into too plain of words.

Its not real long, and goes pretty quick.

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment