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RE: Always Question Authority and Official MSM Propaganda

in #oligarchy7 years ago

From the git go. The constitution of 1787 does not even have the president elected by the voters at large. It is does by privileged and special people
Also from the git go, land owners have been the favored minority. They had the vote to start with and non-land owners did not get to vote until the administration of Andrew Jackson. And even then only white males had the vote until fairly recently.
Also keep in mind that the United States of America is constituted as a Republic, NOT a Democracy. The U.S.A. was NEVER a democracy


Good points, and we still don't have a President elected by we, the people. And even then the government doesn't even pretend to represent the usual 1/2 of the country that didn't vote for them. That is when they are even bothering to do something for people and not money of rich corporate persons. Which isn't very often. Ergo the piss poor approval ratings of Congress that are far far below the percentage of people who voted for them.

Americans should familiarise themselves with the saying "insanity is doing the same thing over and over and getting the same bad result". The people of America have been doing that since at least the 70s if not we'll before.

Probably the best thing at this point will be too dissolve the Federal government and let the states go their own way. The wall building companies will make a fortune. Of course then we will just have 50 little oligarchies until the states that choose to fix that problem enact laws to that effect. That is corporations are not people and money is not speech, two of the most un-America scams purportrated by the oligarchs' appointed SCOTUS.