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RE: Maybe Breakdancers need to take themselves a little less seriously...?

in #olympics7 months ago

I meant several hours a day for several years!

Fair comment, it is widely misunderstood I know, interesting mis-match with the Olympics all around I think.

Maybe that was her point: breaking doesn't belong here, thus you have no grounds to be upset.

Although if that was her argument it's gonna be hard for her to make it unless she made it before consistently.


Personally, I think if there is room for boxing in the Olympics, there is room for break dancing.

Maybe that was her point: breaking doesn't belong here

If that was her point, then it is appropriate that she be resoundingly rejected by the community. Parody is never the best argument against anything. And, I know breakers personally. You can't find a more dedicated group of people. It is an art form, with a 'vocabulary'. There are set moves, as in ballet, and, as I said earlier, an etiquette. I think that's what I respect even more about the art than the skill. There is a mutual respect among dancers. It's a powerful tie and a powerful check on behavior.

Raygun is an embarrassment more to herself than to the art.

It's great to see the subject entertained here rationally, and without judgement.

Hey cheers, whatever the motives, at least it was entertaining!