Another Omen Found Yesterday and Again - Instant Manifestation and Confirmation!

in #omen7 years ago (edited)


Lately, I have been feeling like I have been winning the lottery everyday in the form of omens. Two days ago, I found two cards underneath a box that warned me of communication severance, which happened just hours later when I blocked a troublesome individual I had been having a hard time getting along with.

Just yesterday after yoga class, I realized I had sold some crystals and needed a box in my basement to ship them out in. As I was selecting a box, I saw a box further down that had a tarot card lying face down on top of it. You can see what I initially saw here.


I really couldn't believe my eyes! I have a cabinet where I keep all my tarot and oracle decks upstairs and have no idea how this lone tarot card made it downstairs. I could barely contain myself as I flipped the card over to see the message the Universe had sent to me!


The Sweet Talker of the Tarot - Knight of Cups
Hanson Robert Tarot Deck

It was only a few hours before I got an sign from this person who I experienced the severance with after finding this card. They are tricky, sneaky, and like to play hide and seek. They of course did not reveal their identity in their strange mode of communication, but I know it was them for certain because the Universe dropped a dime on them before they had a chance to reach out!

I love how this works!

So the Knight of Cups is a charmer, a sweet talker, someone who is following their feel good feelings, and are in love with the idea of anything that makes them feel good ( which makes them idealistic and sometimes out of touch with reality). The problem is they tend to talk a good game, but when it comes to the follow through they usually fall short. This is because they are dreamers, people who are more interested in the way a situation or person makes them feel than in actually doing the hard work it takes to maintain and sustain. It would ruin their dreamy idealism and not feel good anymore. I am glad to know that this is the energy of this person so I can be prepared. They are still blocked.

I feel divinely protected, knowing the Universe has my back!
Thanks again, Universe!



"Lately, I have been feeling like I have been winning the lottery everyday in the form of omens."

Looks like it!

Yes have you received any lately? This seems to be a potent time.

Oh boy. This past month has been amongst the most magical in my life. Not that many synchronicities over the past few days though other than an amazing Tarot reading from @violetflame: