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RE: One photo a day challenge (222/365) all year long

in #one6 years ago (edited)

Health Benefits of Coffee--

Studies have shown that drinking coffee every day can help lower your risk of many serious health conditions and even help you feel better.

  1. Coffee Raises Your Metabolism and Helps You Perform Better Physically
  2. Coffee Is a Great Sources of Antioxidants and Essential Nutrients
  3. Coffee Can Help Prevent Diabetes
  4. Coffee Can Make You Smarter
  5. May Help Prevent Liver Disease
  6. Coffee May Help Protect Against Heart Disease and Stroke
  7. Caffeine May Lower Skin Cancer Risk
  8. Caffeine Can Help Protect You From Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease
  9. Coffee May Help Reduce Parkinson’s Disease Symptoms
  10. Coffee May Lower Your Risk of Being Depressed