Usually people do not like to admit their mistakes. Such behavior is formed in childhood, children tend to tease each other for blunders, and for serious miscalculations to punish. Such an attitude of others can manifest itself in adulthood. As a result, it is easier and more comfortable for a person not to notice and not to acknowledge his mistakes.
In adult life, this behavior is difficult to call effective. When you keep silent, do not recognize, deny your mistake, then a number of difficulties arise.
For example:
The responsibility for the mistake is shifted to circumstances or other people. And once the responsibility is not on you, then others must solve the current situation. This behavior leads to the formation of the victim's position.
When you do not admit your mistake, then people around you begin to tell you honestly. You will persist - there will be misunderstanding and conflict. If, in doing so, you still throw responsibility for the mistake on others, the attitude of decent people to you will completely deteriorate.
If a person does not admit his mistake, then he does not correct its consequences, does not draw conclusions for the future.
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Your words are always very pleasing and kind to the ear @aydogdy. It is always a pleasure to read them as well. Have a blessed day.