Vlog 107 | Is Steemit Self Obsessed?

I recently read an article that suggested steemit is self obsessed. It looked at 1,262 top trending topics in the month of April... Big surprise steemit showed up more often than not, but does this mean steemit is self obsessed? Here is the article https://steemit.com/steem/@online-scribe/steemit-is-self-obsessed-a-review-of-1-262-top-trending-titles

Now it doesn't really get into any statistics or determine how it was determined that steemit shows up a lot. And I would argue the data isn't statistically significant anyways as eurorack show's up in the list which is definitely not a trending topic on steem. seriously I get notifications daily when someone mentions eurorack in a post and It's normally just me, or maybe @drumoperator. So despite the statement that "The key highlight of what I found is: Steem and Steemit were the most mentioned topics." we don't really have any data showing us that this is the case or know how the author arrived at this conclusion. But even if there is some statically valid analysis that steemians talk about steem alot, which I am sure someone could find, I don't think that means steemit is self obsessed, as steemit has no self. or at least not in the way we normally think of a self. Steemit isn't talking about steemit, the community of steemit is talking about steemit and that is a totally different thing and important for steemit to be successful.

I hope everyone has an awesome day!!



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Perhaps I'll just randomly start using the word eurorack just so I pop up on your notification, hahaha.

That is definitely one way to get my attention. ;)

We are a bit of a niche group at the moment, aren't we? I feel like we are growing, but it's slow progress. There are a few gear heads, producers, I'm probably one of two writers. Much better than in December last year though!

I'm hoping as Steemit develops the niche communities like synths/music prouction will grow both in people posting and audience for that stuff

I just did a post regarding this. From what I've seen, you will do better here if you at least occasionally talk about Steemit in some form or another. I've seen very few successful bloggers who just get lost in their own obsessions, and don't take their audience into consideration. I think it comes down to the old marketing adage: You have to be selling what people want, if you expect to make any money.

At the same time steemit is so young Yes imortant to follow your passion so as to create the audience you want and need.

I like it very much, keep it that way. I recommend it