
Superb! I love it! You guys are too much! HAHAHA.

I loved the part where you used the syrup as fuel. Fantastic! :)

Thanks so much for stopping by @bethwheatcraft! Your my IMDB buddy! Wink Wink! :P

Oh my that is waaaaaay to much maple syrup. lol

You can never have too much fun, too many lambos.. or too much of the Maple Syrup! =P

lol! MAPLE SYRUP is something truly fascinating :D

Winny out...for now ;)

Thanks again for the invite Winny! @myndnow🎉😂🤓

they have programs for this kind of addiction!

But its so good on my pancakes!

Brilliant! Is the syrup reasonably affordable there, because over here it's really expensive!

I think Aunt Jemima is about 2.50 or so.. but yes the better labels can be quite expensive! In all honesty I find it gives me headaches and is too sweet! I suppose you would suffer an import cost.. It is so nice to hear from you Cams! @camuel

OOOhh, I like that! We get unreasonable amounts of joy by hunting down great video on DTube and telling the world about it. This video definitely grabbed our attention, and our community found it noteworthy. We regularly publish a list of our favorite posts and we stopped in today to let you know that you're on OneLoveDTube Video Picks of the day!

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The aunt jemima is the bambino and the amber Canada grade #1 is the Dom Perignon. I was drunk off laughter watching you guys have so much fun.

Hey @jacknaxter! Dang straight! Grade #1 Heck yeah! I am so glad I made you laugh! =P

ROFL at every second of the video 🤣🍾😂

So thrilled me made you smile!! We 💖 you @techcoderx!!!!

Work it!

Wooo Hooo!! Thats how its done! @pechichemena =D

now i know your secret to your sweetness

welcome to ComedyOpenMic @kawaiicrush!

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