
Dzieki Wariacie! Cenne info!'Pozdro

Nie ma problemu ;) Pozdro!

Hey @neopch this was very helpful. I hope to get some time to re-upload my videos as I have them all saved on an external hard drive. Appreciate your walkthrough and have an amazing rest of your day.


Hi Man!

Thanks for pop in ;) I'm glad that I can help and spread a knowledge with others.

Have a good one!
Bless :)

That's a neat trick. It's a shame we have to learn these hacks. It's like going back to Windows 98 era ha ha!

3.11 ;)

u mnie nie działa dalej moje filmy nie mam ich na dysku skąd kopiujesz te kody niby

Wyjasnilem wszystko w video. Jesli nie masz archiwum video na dysku no to nic nie zrobisz :)