Dear Diary: Dialysis Time Again And I Prepared For It

in #onemealaday7 years ago

It seems that I was having a hard time preparing for my dialysis because of the pain i my feet and legs, the joints. So I just prepared for it by taking some pain medications.

Also, it is already known to me that the main cause of my breathlessness was my terrible posture brought about my collapsed vertebrae bones as it just squeezes my internal organs especially my lungs so I can't drink and eat in a normal amount of food and drinks already and it makes me underfed considering that I also have an appetite problem too.

I am now making use of my government-issued wheelchair to make my trip to the bathroom and back. I might also use a bathroom chair soon because it is now also hard to stand up while taking a shower. It is the most tasking job that I do and really kills me with breathlessness due to the scrubbings and liftings, it makes me stress out with a simple shower.


Now it is my dialysis time again and I will just do what is needed to prepare for it and that is to take my pain medicines so I can move without much difficulty. I can now finally eat and enjoy my food in that small window of opportunity when the dialysis is cleaning out my blood. It is the only chance that I have to feel normal again.


hopefully your dialysis goes well, fast recover @ cryptopie

best wishes for your healthI pray to God that your dialysis will be successful. . May God bless you @cryptopie

Hello dear friend, I hope that everything goes well with your dialysis, and I am very happy that you are given a wheelchair to make your travel a little more comfortable, I hope you let us know how it went. Here in Venezuela, exactly in the state where I live, we have been without electric power for 5 hours, and it is expected that it will go again, but in what I can connect, I will be waiting to receive news from you. A big hug and my heart and prayers are with you.

I hope my upvote helps your pain

Hey buddy! I'm sure it must be very complicated and stressful to go through something like that, but I'm also sure that better moments will come. Do not give up and keep fighting so that everything improves in your life. @cryptopie

May God gave you health so that you can walk on your own feet without using your wheelchair.

i can understand whats your feeling, but you're a very strong person. I pray for you for better health. God Bless You.

I always pray for you my friend,you are strong and you will soon feel better.

God will sure take charge of your dialysis.... U will be fine in Jesus name

hoping for your speedy recovery and hope your dialysis goes well. stay healthy stay blessed :)

Hopefully your dialysis will work for you. Get well soon.

It is good that you know what your body needs to prepare for dialysis. Enjoy the improvement you feel after it. Try to eat quality food because there is little quantity. Cheer up!!

Hi good morning from afar. All this are meant to make you stronger. What does the doctor say about how you will be feeding now. What caused the posture problem?did you change your sleeping posture?

best wishes for your health. Stay blessed.

I hope your dialysis is successful. Take care.

Don't worry you are a real champ, the way you are fighting this disease, it incredible.

Hola hijo
Que Dios te bendiga. Te llevo en mi corazón y en mis oraciones.
No estamos hablando.
Por cierto y disculpa ¿Que edad tienes?
Voy a mandar a hecer una misa de sanación para mi esposa y quiero que mencionen tu nombre ¿Cual es tu nombre? Si se puede saber claro.
Un abrazo grande y para adelante CAMPEÓN.