Hello steemians,
One Meal a Day is a steemit charity action to struggle against famine.
Everyone in need of food can comment here and received our help to no longer starve.
The poorest might not have access to internet, if you desire to help on the ground and actively provide meal, simply post what you are doing here.
We should all contribute for a better world and insure the poorer to get at least the vital minimum:
Please be trustworthy, if you comment for personal greed and you are not deeply in need for food or vital healthcare, you are taking money from steemians who really need it to stay alive and you should be ashamed.
Doing that you are responsible for this world to keep going wrong.
We can take our responsabilities and act for a better world now.
Steemians if you need help from us, if you don't have a meal a day:
Simply comments starting your post with #OneMealaDay and hopefully you will get upvotes from steemit community!
As the poorest usually don't have internet connection, If you are willing to distribute meal to the person in need, also comments and get our help!
Also currently adopted 2 students to have breakfast on school days.
Helping makes me more worth it to live than to have material things in life.

I am thankful even tho I am in paying big debts I can still eat decent meals. As of now I cant finance feeding the needy but in my own little ways I believe I can. At work my students need to travel 1 hour or more to reach school they wake up around 4 am and travel as early as 5 am for sure some of you are still asleep. I let my students eat meals that can be bought by their classmates it is just a cup of rice with shredded meat on top wrapped in banana leaf. I wont let them wait for recess time to eat cause in some point in my life I know how it feels to be hungry and deprived. If we can watch tv while eating I believe they can listen to my lessons while having thier breakfast. I am posting this cause I wanna tell people that in some time you dont need money to help. An act of kindness can help. Thank you for initiating one meal a day @damarth:- More power. I will waiting for your upvote & next post.
very dear to the children of this poor people who do not care that this child is malnourished because of the lack of food this child is still a class 1 smp but must help his masters make for everyday eat whether you do not love this child
We are here to eat food like this @damarth
I wish I had seen this in time to upvote! That's so sweet! Even perfume is a great gift...feeling confident is important!
Next week me and some of my friends will be arrange a lunch and a dinner party with some street-childrens......
Welcome, sir . . . I was waiting for the post

yesterday I visit a nearby park and I saw this kid so went to him
and offered him some food
I asked him, What do you do? so he told that" I do nothing, I am in search of work coz i have to buy food for my family because my father is drug addict"
I Felt really sad for him Just because he is kid and in this age, he is suffering from all this
Then i got the dress from him . . .
Now i wish to buy a month food stock for his family
As a student it's little dificult for me to manage the amount
so I and the Kid family will be very thankful to you IF you helped them
Thanks in advance. . .Stay blessed Thank you @damarth for being here with us . . .
lets save the human life and save the humanity! Tahseen Dilbar i who is 31-year-old boy from Lahore Pakistan! who have three children and small family!
He got blood cancer and and your upvote can help him!

thank you damarth helping people! my friend had a cancer a need 1000 doller for treatment!
he was a millionaire and spent all his money on blood cancer treatment! it requested from the coomunity your one upvote can save life !
here is all detail and report of his concer!
here is link which i post for him.....
Did you copy paste this from @lays ?
This looks similar .
no dear i post on steemit! i give link you can check here ! we are gathering fund for him! he is our friend same nation same country you can also gatere fund for him! it may be look similer because he also want to help him and i also want help him you can see my wallet for transaction of 15 sbd ! he need help to defeat cancer!
@lays posted the same thing 17 days ago , you posted it 16 days ago .
yaah when i saw her post i want help him too and also write post for him and i also comment on his post !
you can see it helping someone should be appriciated!
this man also write post on steemit to help tahseen dilber
Don't worry @lays already got 50 SBD for him and he himself got more than $100,000 to support him .
hellow @damarth. you are doing a great job. i am very interested to help vulnerable people. but i have want of money. i am a student and my family provide very little money. so i can't help so many people. if you help me i could help more poor people. thank you lot
Good jobs @damarth "ONE MEAL A DAY" steemit-based social action for people like those who need help ...
We are here to eat food like this @damarth
#onemealaday i hope to get some help sir @damarth. Things are not really that easy. I don't even have internet access often to be on the platform here. Please help!!
hellow @damarth. you are doing a great job. i am very interested to help vulnerable people. but i have want of money. i am a student and my family provide very little money. so i can't help so many people. if you help me i could help more poor people. thank you lot
hello @damarth i was eagerly awaiting for you. i have a charity project named i love your smile. there i and 4 of my friends help 11 vulnerable family. we want to spread our job sector. but we have want of money. i think you will help us. thank you a lot
Thank you @damarth for your continued contributions through this project. I am a regular commenter here who act as a ground soldier helping to distribute the food to those who really needs it.
hello @damarth i was eagerly awaiting for you. i have a charity project named i love your smile. there i and 4 of my friends help 11 vulnerable family. we want to spread our job sector. but we have want of money. i think you will help us. thank you a lot
Thanks for last week, with your help i could make others smile.

@damarth lets make week 3 count again.
God bless you for showing love!
Thanks @drstarry
great and much happy to see you always ready for helping poor people in world your mission one meal a day is always for

great and i really appriciate you and happy that you motivate us with your posts and now i am also working to providing
food to all poor childs and i started this from a school so went to a poor childs school and provide them food as lunch
i believe the food is compulsory thing for better education without food childs cannot keep better study
and now i have plan to go in other schools of my city where childs are poor and not have lunch and sure i will
provide them lunch in school
hellow @damarth. you are doing a great job. i am very interested to help vulnerable people. but i have want of money. i am a student and my family provide very little money. so i can't help so many people. if you help me i could help more poor people. thank you lot
here in my village is anothere problems with famine that here are so many people who have not thier own good house
and having camps or some poor house and have not any safety to save thiereselves from ills and polutions and also mosquito
and many persons having healther problems due to mosquito so some day ago i decided to provide some of persons
mosquito nets for thier good sleep and save healths from mosquito's so i bought some mosquito nets and gave them to
some childs from different families and they were so happy so i decided to help more with these nets in next and also
next time plus foodsyou are a brave and good man @damarth
,that you work on it continusely to help poors in whole world throught your followers
i hope every one in steemit in your followers should help to find poor people and invite them here in your blog for get meal from you with your rewards, Or should keep some good work to provide them meal to be make of part of your mission with thier earnings like you ,,
we also working on it small in pak where we provide monthly foods mean bag of rice because rice are mostly eatable food in my cuntry and some other things for eating in daily bases to all them who are poor and cannot buy foods hope we all should pledge to share your rewards to all those who are needy and in painicthats great and really good to see you on this one meal a day mission to solve famine problems and really appriciate you @damarth
Donate food and beverages to flood victims.
hopefully useful .. 😊😊
this is my charity team we go to help the poor
i want your mission #OneMealaDay will be success
So decent of you @damarth.... this will help alot of destitute individuals
in my neighborhood, there is a family in which there are 10 people groups and they have 1 wellspring of wage.. there month to month salary is $100
I truly need to help them yet I am not that much ready to help....
as your philanthropy post you can help them through me..... God will give you the reward for this
I Hope you will help them
@magoo-1 always on duty.
Hlw author this guy owner multi ID and always comment by multi ID.This person always try to chest and get your reward.
You can check report
well i always feel good when ever i got this ppost it feels really amazing since last time you helped me out i did very good with that money i mean it was not that much couse you know the rates are not good but still it was quite helpful we did a great job we organise a program for poor kids and womens .. and they ware all very happy to
that was all i mean there ware some donation from other sides too but over all it was good and we will do more soon as soon we gather some funds thanks ..for your help
@magoo-1 on duty now.
Hlw author this guy owner multi ID and always comment by multi ID.This person always try to chest and get your reward.
You can check report
@magoo-1 always on duty.
Hlw author this guy owner multi ID and always comment by multi ID.This person always try to chest and get your reward.
You can check report
always thanx to you from the bottom of my heart to give us a path to help for those who need us and our money and things which they dont afford i told you in your last post how i helped that old man to gave money his doctor for his treatment
and now i also talked with my friend in my office and told him about people and said him to help poors with me and i am so glad that he agreed me and we both had put a small budget to provide some food to poors who need food and we bought some dry food that they will cook in this bags we put some differents things for 5 families 2 days food
Food treasures are precious to them

Our local children desperately need nutritious food, I sincerely hope for your help, and with your generosity, this child will be helped
Well done @damarth for putting up this, it's amazing to see the number of lives that has been touched through this project, posterity won't forget your name soon, God bless you.
Here's a project I've been working on with my friend @lordjames, tagged "Project of Help Initiative" which focuses on providing help and educational support to children and young people in rural areas, here's the link to our last phase of that project;
Thanks for another opportunity,
It's been almost 3 weeks now that I have been without accommodation, I'm a student and the school hostel has limited space that have been occupied already, getting and apartment outside school is a big issue because of the lack of fund, Pls help me out .
Also I would like that you support my foundation, it's about giving to the needy especially the orphanage
Thanks for your support
Mother is the one who always keeps advice to us. no doubt sometimes the mother's advice always make us sad and cry. the words that come out of a sincere mother from the heart and filled with tenderness sometimes deeply touch our hearts as children who listen to them. but not for those who have no parents like this
according to the theme **one meal a day ** today I have distributed some of the meat to the children of the complicated victims that hit Aceh 10 years ago. they are very concerned about staying away from the city, in the hinterland. I am very motivated with your activities, your noble duties are generous and loving people. I will pray for you healthy and lucky.
save of the childrenThanks you so much @damarth
today i am pleasure to tell you that in my city we started work to helping poor patient with welfaire clinic
and i sold out my sbd to this plan to make a welfaire clinic for poor persons and many persons helped for it
and we bought some clinic things and small machines and we still need many things and need some more money
for keep our work, but hope we will work continusely for help poors treatment in this small clinic and these some people
who help for this clinic and hope they will hlep more we have also an idea to gave them 3 time meal to all admintted
poor patients i hope you also will help us in this plan like all others,,,
hello @damarth i was eagerly awaiting for you. i have a charity project named i love your smile. there i and 4 of my friends help 11 vulnerable family. we want to spread our job sector. but we have want of money. i think you will help us. thank you a lot
i am waiting for your blog ... i have a charity
i told them about you ...
and your 1 opvote can help our charity
Kindly Care !!
His name is Adelia Monica Fitri ... he is only 9 years old, his condition is apprehensive and yesterday we have taken him to RSUD dr. Fauziah Bireuen and already treated in the ICU ... For friends who want to help alleviate this poor family...
Many I meet everyday life of hungry people. Whether they have no money to buy food or because they have to share food with their other families. Very concerned when I see them struggling to stop hunger. Pathetic and very sad.
Growing up on the streets has acquainted me with less-privileged great minds( street thugs), who are unemployed.
I recently invited my street friends to steemit to empower them but, most of them cannot afford internet access and I haven't made a lot to sponsor them all.
Your support would be highly appreciated.
Look at @damart .. In looking for money sometimes we work hard despite getting enough money for 1 day for one working day .. All that is a must in the search nahakah heavy though .. Because there is a small child at home and beloved wife need food. Thank you for your attention.
thank you so much damarth sir for giving us a path to help those persons who need our help and need money, need food
i was think some time to help poor people but i also not having some more moeny and i thougt i need much money to help
them but to see your posts it give me good hope that we can help others in small bugdet if we want to give meal
so first it started it from my town poor childs whoes parents are some poor and some time they dont have some
meal to give thier childs 2 time in a day
so i call them all poor childs and cook some rice and sit them in garden and gave them rice for eat in garden and
some for home so they was so happy and i was much happy to help them to follow your plan and now i more excited to
help them next week as i will can
,that you work on it continusely to help poors in whole world throught your followers
i hope every one in steemit in your followers should help to find poor people and invite them here in your blog for get meal from you with your rewards, Or should keep some good work to provide them meal to be make of part of your mission with thier earnings like you ,,
we also working on it small in pak where we provide monthly foods mean bag of rice because rice are mostly eatable food in my cuntry and some other things for eating in daily bases to all them who are poor and cannot buy foods hope we all should pledge to share your rewards to all those who are needy and in painic
yesterday I visit a nearby park and I saw this kid so went to him
and offered him some food
I asked him, What do you do? so he told that" I do nothing, I am in search of work coz i have to buy food for my family because my father is drug addict"
I Felt really sad for him Just because he is kid and in this age, he is suffering from all this
Then i got the dress from him . . . Welcome, sir . . . I was waiting for the post
yesterday I visit a nearby park and I saw this kid so went to him
,that you work on it continusely to help poors in whole world throught your followers
i hope every one in steemit in your followers should help to find poor people and invite them here in your blog for get meal from you with your rewards, Or should keep some good work to provide them meal to be make of part of your mission with thier earnings like you ,,
we also working on it small in pak where we provide monthly foods mean bag of rice because rice are mostly eatable food in my cuntry and some other things for eating in daily bases to all them who are poor and cannot buy foods hope we all should pledge to share your rewards to all those who are needy and in painicThank you @damarth for being here with us . . . Thank you @damarth for being here with us . . . and offered him some food thats great and really good to see you on this one meal a day mission to solve famine problems and really appriciate you @damarth
I am Rita Damascus. I am from Nigeria. I am from a state in Nigeria called Benue. Here, there is a millitant group called Fulani Herdsmen. They specialize in destroying lives and property and rendering thousands homeless. They haven't come out to state their their cause but they just engage in unleashing mayhem on innocent citizens especially at night.#OneMealaDay
I am currently housing about 6 children who migrated from the interior villages. According to them, they watched their parents being hacked to death with a cutlass. I was comfortable when I was staying alone but right now it is becoming increasingly diffficult for me to feed the numerous mouths.
I know that the Steemit community is one rich in love and I trust they will show these ones love and feed them for the next few days. They are all between the ages of 5 and 13 and they have no internet connection.
Help Please.
I just organised a program for the poor children where I gave them food and other stuff, I won't to continue with this mission. Thanks for the support
Meet shewa, I have been supporting her family with the little I have, I want to do more of I can get more... I promise to give everything I get from this post to her family to support them.
I am still hungry
Hi sir you activities on steemit seems very nice to all of poor families who even don't have internet access but you still believe in people who will send that money to the needy ones. This behavior may lead you to more success. I didn't participate last time as I just seen your blog an drew previous activities.
There is a neighborhood nearest my house just behind my house who don't have kids, they both(couple) striving alone and both are aged as well that's why they can't go to workplace to earn for themselves. So sometimes I helped them by sending some fruits and food in the lunch and dinner time so that they can't sleep with empty tummy. I helped them by sending some flour and vegetables once a week as well. Because I have some pocket money which can be spend on needy and in return I got prayers from them which makes me feel so happy all the time.
Your few pennies may bring happiness in their faces and make them sustained for a while. God bless you an drew may you get more in your future.

I'm not for me Always comment on you for others. ..... and give your money to those people who do not deserve food. ...
I do not buy their food in my name, and I buy them as your name ...
They pray for you. You are great to them. ... I can not help them either. Many people like you help them. .
You have seen the greatness of these people standing in front of them.
They do not have a house to live in.
Thank you for having all the poorest people in mind. .
Many poor people will be benefited if they give money
this is me
I am a student. My dad is a farmer he can not always pay me. ..
Actually, I used to eat a lot of bad times sometimes and I did not eat. .
I can not do any job if I want. .. I like to study. .
If you give me a lot of benefits, then my benefit will be much. .
I'm really very poor, ...
Sometimes I get a lot of tears#OneMealaDay
Welcome, sir . . . I was waiting for the post
yesterday I visit a nearby park and I saw this kid so went to him
,that you work on it continusely to help poors in whole world throught your followers
i hope every one in steemit in your followers should help to find poor people and invite them here in your blog for get meal from you with your rewards, Or should keep some good work to provide them meal to be make of part of your mission with thier earnings like you ,,
we also working on it small in pak where we provide monthly foods mean bag of rice because rice are mostly eatable food in my cuntry and some other things for eating in daily bases to all them who are poor and cannot buy foods hope we all should pledge to share your rewards to all those who are needy and in painicWelcome, sir . . . I was waiting for the post
yesterday I visit a nearby park and I saw this kid so went to him
,that you work on it continusely to help poors in whole world throught your followers
i hope every one in steemit in your followers should help to find poor people and invite them here in your blog for get meal from you with your rewards, Or should keep some good work to provide them meal to be make of part of your mission with thier earnings like you ,,
we also working on it small in pak where we provide monthly foods mean bag of rice because rice are mostly eatable food in my cuntry and some other things for eating in daily bases to all them who are poor and cannot buy foods hope we all should pledge to share your rewards to all those who are needy and in painic Thank you @damarth for being here with us . . . and offered him some food thats great and really good to see you on this one meal a day mission to solve famine problems and really appriciate you @damarth Thank you @damarth for being here with us . . . and offered him some food thats great and really good to see you on this one meal a day mission to solve famine problems and really appriciate you @damarth
#OneMealaDay. Am in need and its a normal thing to be in such a state in this life. There even people around me who are even in a worse state than me and they have no access to internet like I am. Thanks sir @damarth for this initiative. I believe in being helped to also extend the same helping hand to others.
Have only started to earn little by little from Steemit to sustain myself, of which from the last upvote you dashed me, I got 2SBDs, which I appreciate so much, I sent a part of it to my youngers ones to get a bit of the stationeries they needed for quite a long time now. I would appreciate the little upvote you could dash me now, so that when it cashes out I'll be able to send the cash to my youngers one to get the remaining stationeries of which they've been punished for a number of times in their school.
Thanks in anticipation @damarth, more power to your elbow.#OneMealaDay programme is an initiative in place to eradicate poverty in & out of Steemit Community, a well meaning one indeed!
Thanks for the upvote @damarth, I'm heartfeltly grateful!
#onemealaday... Truly there are people who need food. I know a lot of them, I personally give as much or little as I can to help those that are in need. I thank God for the one I have to eat and I will forever be grateful to him. Out of this is where I pick out to satisfy as least a soul when there is a call for it. I wish I had more so I can touch more lives. I appreciate you for this initiative and it has propelled my ability and willingness to give more than I already do. Through this the world will change for good and people can be touched. Only God rewards a helper. You shall be rewarded with bountiful blessings. Amen
I love the way you look at the things. Raising a regular amount of money is obviously important to many just to keep going in many charities. But coming up with a winner, such as your doing on steemit, fundraisers not only helps to bring in much needed cash but can also raise the profile of you and other steemiens on steemit in a good way. Many ideas are tried and tested but the really great charity fundraisers come about when people try to think outside the box a little bit. You are the living proof, just look at the comments every-time you release your post regarding charity. I’m certain only few of these ideas become successful and I wish all of them would, but we live in a real world. Anyway, I think that even if someone can't come up with a totally new fundraiser, at least he should try to think how to change an existing plan that is already working. How to add some value?
A good way to start is by looking at your surrounding, at poor people needs, at homeless animal needs. Even wild and wacky ideas can work if you can get enough people behind them.
If you anyone is passionate about your cause it will shine through in all your charity's activities!
Hi sir you activities on steemit seems very nice to all of poor families who even don't have internet access but you still believe in people who will send that money to the needy ones. This behavior may lead you to more success. I didn't participate last time as I just seen your blog an drew previous activities.
There is a neighborhood nearest my house just behind my house who don't have kids, they both(couple) striving alone and both are aged as well that's why they can't go to workplace to earn for themselves. So sometimes I helped them by sending some fruits and food in the lunch and dinner time so that they can't sleep with empty tummy. I helped them by sending some flour and vegetables once a week as well. Because I have some pocket money which can be spend on needy and in return I got prayers from them which makes me feel so happy all the time.
I am very motivated with you. but I can not afford it completely, but I am very motivated to do this noble job. where I live again there is a volcano disaster ** sinabung ** brastagi -indonesia and today I am collecting a little help for the victims with some sembako I collect from my work. at least I tried
Thanks @damarth you are the beast
Welcome, sir . . . I was waiting for the post

Thank you @damarth for being here with us . . .
and offered him some food thats great and really good to see you on this one meal a day mission to solve famine problems and really appriciate you @damarth
Thank you @damarth for being here with us . . .
and offered him some food thats great and really good to see you on this one meal a day mission to solve famine problems and really appriciate you @damarth
yesterday I visit a nearby park and I saw this kid so went to him
,that you work on it continusely to help poors in whole world throught your followers
i hope every one in steemit in your followers should help to find poor people and invite them here in your blog for get meal from you with your rewards, Or should keep some good work to provide them meal to be make of part of your mission with thier earnings like you ,,
we also working on it small in pak where we provide monthly foods mean bag of rice because rice are mostly eatable food in my cuntry and some other things for eating in daily bases to all them who are poor and cannot buy foods hope we all should pledge to share your rewards to all those who are needy and in painicWelcome, sir . . . I was waiting for the post
yesterday I visit a nearby park and I saw this kid so went to him
,that you work on it continusely to help poors in whole world throught your followers
i hope every one in steemit in your followers should help to find poor people and invite them here in your blog for get meal from you with your rewards, Or should keep some good work to provide them meal to be make of part of your mission with thier earnings like you ,,
we also working on it small in pak where we provide monthly foods mean bag of rice because rice are mostly eatable food in my cuntry and some other things for eating in daily bases to all them who are poor and cannot buy foods hope we all should pledge to share your rewards to all those who are needy and in painic....
#onemealaday I'll be hosting a charity event this week. it will be great to put smiles on children's faces. Your support would be much appreciated. Thank you @damarth for what you do.
Please I truly need to give a portion of the children in road. I will be so glad, please they require it
@magoo-1 always on duty.
Hlw author this guy owner multi ID and always comment by multi ID.This person always try to chest and get your reward.
You can check report
I will like you to help a few understudies at the college of port harcourt from the alliance of catholic therapeutic and dental understudies who have no inns to remain in and rest outside and battle to eat.. I will compose a letter to you soon..
#onemealaday Hello @damarth , somewhere is great says
you are doing great job, you are great person
Thank you