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RE: One photo every day: Finally (171/365)

in #onephotoeveryday7 years ago (edited)

I don't know if that's how Seat designed them to be used, as the wipers are tuck safe under the side pillars so they don't gather snow when parked. There's a service mode to changing the wipers, but I gather if the pillars are clear from snow when parking, using that is not really necessary.

The design isn't flawless though. If driving in a blizzard and using the wipers, the snow easily packs up under the side pillars and that might eventually break the wiper motors or the wipers themselves.


That design is very different from that of my car. Have you ever had the wipers get stuck because of freezing? In both our Mitsubishi and Toyota, as in nearly every model of every maker, wet wipers freezing and getting stuck in wintertime if you forget to raise them is a regular nuisance.