In a matter of fact I did just that. After adding some on my breakfast cereal and then realizing we didn't have any milk, and that I'd have to visit the grocery before eating them, I tried it out.
I cut a slice out of both melons and put some sea salt on both slices and um... I can understand why some like it. But I guess it's an acquired taste. Although I could imagine salting them and giving them a quick fry on a hot pan, then adding some to a spicy chicken dish. :)
I'm glad you tried it. Like I tell my kids, its good to try different food, even if you don't like it in the end, the point is being open to trying it so you know :)
I was surprised that Miro, who I know is normally pretty picky when it comes to new tastes wanted to try it out too. Not sure if he hated it or not, but he didn't say it like he often very easily does.