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RE: One photo every day: Peekaboo! (36/365)

in #onephotoeveryday8 years ago

Thanks! Not at all, just changing fresh water every morning, feeding it a mouse weekly and cleaning up its droppings (also weekly), and checking it's skin is intact when it sheds it (about each month). We have a heating mat on one side of its terrarium that's set up with a timer to switch on in the morning and go off for the nights. So I could say it's pretty much low maintenance. :)


A MOUSE?!?!?!?

That's a lot of hassle to buy a mouse every week lol, would be awesome if you uploaded a video of him getting his weekly mouse just to see if he eats it all in one or lets it last a week. If he eats the mouse over the week it would surely go rotten!

We buy the mice in bulk, they are frozen but warming them up is no biggie. I bought 15 last time, and we have just 2 left. I guess it's time to buy bigger mice next time.

I'll try ro take a video, last time my phone got full and the video broke.