What is the purpose of work. Are you living to work or to achieve your goals?

in #oneup3 years ago

I am used to write on cryptocurrencies, ways of earning money, but today I am going to face a different topic.
Recently I have been to Southern Italy, a place where I could hang around with a t-shirt at the end of December, I could have a bath into the sea, eat great food and so on.
Hospitality of Southern Italians has rather no competitors across the world. Another glass of wine and a couple of sweet something (I think that those sweet thing do not exist across the rest of the world). Something fried with chocolate topping.

Not bad

After a lot of wine someone told me: “Michè, I cannot stand anymore this rhythm. Everyone comes to meet me and I eat and drink a lot. But, you know, I think that this is the sense of life. When we will pass away, what will survive to us?”
This is a great question. When we will pass away, what will survive to ourselves and what actions we made will leave an impact? Did we spend our life just enjoying the time or even worse, letting the time passing with no action/result/idea?
I think that work is absolutely not everything in our life but some kind of jobs will be highly remunerative in terms of paycheck and human impact. I am thinking about doctors, naturopath, osteopaths, masseurs, midwifes, life-coaches and so on so forth.

What is the impact you are bringing to others?

Even worse happened to me when an employee told me that he was bored, he decided to take some months of pause from his ambition. I smiled like a child asking him if he could lend me his time, working for me. The answer was: “I can gift you 12 hours a day of my time”.
What could I her sadder than this phrase?
I just remember the Anime “DeathNote” when the main character sacrificed 75% of his life to achieve a status of the “Shinigami”, being able to see how much time do the people had left in life.
But we do not have that feature offered. We do not have Shinigamis. We have one life and many people around us.
What is the sense of drinking with a lot of people being too tired to accomplish any enterprising activity? What is the sense of telling that 12 hours per day would be more than enough to live this life?

I see a lack of targets and I am not putting on the Life-Coach hat. I am just saying that if you are feeling oppressed by what you are doing and not obsessed, you are living someone other’s life.
If you need months of pause you are just trying to fit the Comfort Zone and as soon as you faced a tough challenge, you had to fall back to avoid potential disappointment and temporary defeat.

So: is working hard always justified by the results?

When you work hard you are likely pursuing a target that is not completely in sight, or it can be eventually really tough to be imagined. But you know what? No calm sea forged an experienced mariner and the hardest the challenge you are facing, the higher the reward you will receive. And the reward will be completely far away from money and other tangible results. Imagine that all the efforts you are paying now, will make you able to impact 1 million lives.
Would it be worth it? Would be worth keeping you a** tight and go ahead even when nothing around you will see to fix in the scheme?
I think yes. Many people think yes.
To aim high, embrace yourself and get the right tools to climb high.