a dangerous descent

yesterday's results:
"Continue Climbing Down"
You decide to ignore the odd tunnel, and continue with your descent. Perhaps staying completely focused on a task with so much at stake is the smarter idea.
You give some more slack to the rope, ready your knees, and prepare to jump to lower yourself once again down the mountain side.
[ rolled a 17 ]
As you lower yourself, you slip ever so slightly on the rocks, but manage to hold steady and balance yourself out once more.You continue to descend at a slow but careful pace. You are just nearing the bottom when, suddenly... You realize there's no more rope to go.
You're left dangling a good 30 feet above the ground and, with how the rope is tied around you, cutting yourself free could lead to a nasty fall.
You'll probably live, but it's gonna hurt...
12/10 | 1 | 0 | - Dagger [+1 ATK] |
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