Vote > to be able to vote for contents
Comment > to be able to comment on a post
Delete Comment > that permit you to delete a comment as you can see here :
Comment Options > permit us to set anything related to comment (including the fees)
Custom_JSON > in first case it is used to submit games to sell in the market, so others UI like steemit or busy will not display it as a post
Claming reward balance > to claim your rewards
OnGame use Steemconnect and never store any key somewhere. Your steemconnect autorisation token is stored only in your device for a week. After what you have to reconnect to continue to interact on the platform.
Hi @hightouch. Hi I can contact you guys to report bugs?:)
Yo, we will open our support soon. So keep listing bugs and don't hesitate to contact us wnext week. Thank you very much.
Could you work on adding Keychain support?
Keychain is more difficult to secure so I m not sure if we will integrate it.
Edit : Nvm we will integrate Keychain for sure!