I created an Account on the print on demand site REDBUBBLE in the 21st of August 2020 and got my first sale on the 3rd of October. In less than 1 month and a half without too much effort i got a SALE.
When i woke up that morning, i checked my phone and got the email confirmation saying "You've Made A Sale". Not gonna lie, at first i thougth it was just an advertisement, but i suddently realize it was legit when i open the mail.
First of all i want to clarify, if you want something to really work and eventually make you money, you have to do the hard work first. That's why i was surprised making the sale, i didn't do that much. I'm gonna explain what, in my opinion and experiences, were the key factor in making it work.
Choose you niche: One of the key on selling is to have a clear target on what kind of people you wanna sell. In my case a Video Game. But not video-gaming in general, but a specific game: Rocket League.
Right time to sell: I published the design of the shirt in a specific period. After Rocket League became FREE to play for everyone in all platform. It means that more people could play the game and begin to know it. Some people just play it casual and other can be very passionate. That moment allow me to reach more people, because the passionate one want to express their appreciation of the game by searching some merchandise about it.
Simple design: I made a design that the average people wanted to wear. Plain black t-shirt with only text. But the text is specific for the Rocket League game and it's funny. For sure you can make a better design that people can appreciate, but something that i learn about print on demand is that you have better possibility to made a sale if you make a lot of simple design. Quantity > Quality.
So here is it the design you wanted to see:
Wanna know if it is worth it to do print on demand? Well it depends.. If you want to try it out there's nothing that can hold you back as long as you have an internet connection and a PC. Also it's free to do, no cost what so ever. Just your time and effort on creating something.
How much did i get paid for just one classic T-Shirt? €2,38
I leave it to you to decide, it's free but can consume your time if you want to make it a business or your major source of income. Good for a side hustle for the free time if you don't have anything else to do.
That was my experience on print on demand. If you wanna learn more there are a tons of Video on Youtube, website and courses you can rely on. Thanks for your time reading this, have a great day!
On December 14th Redbubble paid me all my sales if the amount reached at least 2€
on the 15th of February i reached 29€ of sales within 15 product sold.
But also on February most of my design were removed because fan art design cannot be posted no more. I decided to stop doing print on demand and begin a new way of Online Earnings. Stay tuned and i'll be talk about it soon! :)