The story really shows the willpower some people have in wanting to change the world. While no one would ever like to think of it at the time. It was for the best that people kept telling him to “drop the dream” as I can only imagen that put even more fire under him to want to be part of a better place. To many corporations out there just suck the souls out of people and take them for everything they can.
Nothing worse than being an idealist being taken advantage of by a business when they can make them think there ideas are going change the world. When in fact, they are changing it just not how they wanted it to happen. Certain types of people have to extra careful with whom they share their ideas with. People these days just use and toss others aside like a candy wrapper. History has show us this happening a few times.
i also have crumbled under the weight of evil people in corporations. it's not something i will ever forget. usually, the more psychopathic one is, the higher on the food chain they go...for this, it seems opposite...