First 3 finished stickers for ONO and more stuff I did the last days...

in #ono7 years ago

stickers 1.png

I'll be honest...

I LOVE how this are turning out!

I started this set thinking: I will do my best! And that's what I've been doing ;D

Oh, how about some process animated gif?


I was thinking to add them RIGHT NOW to telegram, but they are only 3... should I? Do you want to use them like right now?

Which should I finish next? Here are all the sketches.

Why did I start with these ones?

This one was selected because the whole team is working so hard!! This ghost(?) is very focused, working! And his laptop has the ONO logo, so it was a must to start with!

We all need happiness and laugh in our lives so this one couldn't be missing in the beginning.

And this one, because I was feeling really tired but I wanted to continue, so I selected it. Do you remember I said stickers should be something we can relate to?

What else did I design for ono?

ONO cover.png
I adjusted this design to match the needs to become the cover on all the social media sites ;D and added a little spicy of my own on it too.

woops! I was about to post something that I think shouldn't be shown yet XDD I will show it after it's officially released :P

Thank you for coming here :)

Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial 4.0 International.

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I want that Ono Laptop @fabiyamada :) so cute! I will wait for the "finish more food" version next..

xD so do I!

so good! :)

Oh! You mad color version!very kawaii 💕

And I will add them to telegram and Tomoji ;)

Creativity at it's peak, thanks @fabiyamada :)

you're welcome!!:DD

LRJAKLFJsfjslkrjLRkjA the little ghost character is sO ADORABLE <33 So precious LOL

So it's kind of like an emoticon thing? They get dropped in during text and stuff, to add some flavor?

yeah, stickers are like emoticon but, more detailed and bigger :P have you used telegram? let me look for a cool sample from there, hold on.. xD

They're even more detailed than my ghost :P
And the idea is to add my stickers to telegram and to Tomoji (the chrome extension I am creating to add stickers in steemit)


I've never used Telegram rlajkldjkld idk how that works ;;w;;)
But they look like the deviantART plz icons and badges and stuff LOL
Like [these], hahaha

ooooooooooo the onion head!!! those are cool!!
Telegram is basically like whatsapp, BUT better xD with stickers, encripted messages, stickers, pinning messages, stickers, well you get the point XD
I am working on 3 more stickers today before releasing the new version of Tomoji :3

larjakljfklsjfd I don't know what whatsapp is LMAO XD
But yknow you make a compelling point with the stickers, and. And the stickers XDDD
easily amused ashi is easily amused lrjakfjskldjk

IS TOMOJI GONNA BE OUT TODAY?? Or just the stickers completed, and then IT'LL BE OUT LATER?? 8D

the post for new release is taking me long to make u.u
whatsapp is like.. lemme google...Line, you know that one?I am thinking if I should release today... mm... mm.. you can download the current version in the meanwhile :D < it is for google chrome