Are You In The Right Circle?

in #ono7 years ago


Sometimes it’s just a simple quote what makes you think twice!

Where do you belong?

Are you in the right circle is my sincere question.

I am in and out of circles, communities, friendships, relationships but if I stay I am always loyal to my choices.

I truly hope that you can Say the same.

Yours @mammasitta

PS: Busy building a valuable network of “humans” who care because “I CARE”, as KE XU @onosocial CEO said and the simplicity of her words really touched me deeply.

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I'm getting used, in a very pleasant way, to look for you when I feel that a specific word or message is missing.

I don't know if I'm in the "right circles" (maybe I don't want to know), but I'm sure I'm at the right time. Sometimes I think I give more claps than I receive and I wonder if other people do more than me, or if what I do simply is not enough.

In the end, the answer is one: I'm still happy if I can see another smile because of their own achievements.

Regarding the user who opens the comments, when I see the hope and the value that you give to ONO, I feel the need to get up and applaud you. Because it's obvious that it's an altruistic initiative because in any case, there would be more money on Steemit, but possibly there will be more humanity on ONO and that's you, my dear, a trunk full of humanity.

Meanwhile, I will do my best to stay close to the circle that you radiate, because I'm sure that the learning that I will draw from you will be as much or more valuable than what I have learned from here backward.

PS: Once I took these words from you and kept them in my memorable phrase folder: "Do not forget to tell somebody today right now! "I LOVE YOU!"

Well, today, at 4:00 am in my country, I don't want to forget to tell you: YOU'RE THE BEST, KEEP VIBRATING!

You always leave me speechless and your appreciation of “me” means the world! I was born human and I will die even more human! That’s a huge achievement for anybody who went through a lot of painful struggles and disappointments of life. We must defeat evil energies! We must Help each other just a little by one .....I hope you do understand my little autovoting gesture sending to you and family! We are growing “our” ⭕️ circle. I don’t know if it’s steemit Ono or whatever but I know you are one of thoseI beautiful humans who count to mine......the “ lovey dovey cocoon” hahahaa!

You can be totally sure that I understand the gesture and my gratitude extends without reservations. And if you allow me to go further, even the gesture surpasses me, because it's not only "doing something", but "doing it well" so that every word I can share, be real and leave my heart.

Hahahahaha you can count on me to make that circle ever more immense. Good people will always be more, although some want to overwhelm us.

This time I'll copy you: Yours, @lord-faustus <3

PS: Busy building a valuable network of “humans” who care because “I CARE”, as KE XU @onosocial CEO said and the simplicity of her words really touched me deeply.

@mammasitta well, you are doing that exact thing. :-) I am excited about ONO - thanks so much for sharing it!


You are actually the first person who noticed my little hint here and commented about @onosocial

This will be all our chance for equality and fairness!

I hope so!

Please read the white paper and articles to open your eyes to this vision.

It’s sound right to me!


😊 awesome!! I’m on that white paper! 👍🏾

I don't like that ono is for mobile devices only..

Check the roadmap!

The strong bond of friendship is not always a balanced equation; friendship is not always about giving and taking in equal shares. Instead, friendship is grounded in a feeling that you know exactly who will be there for you when you need something, no matter what or when.

We come to the world in addition to our will and we are not destined to choose parents, brothers and sisters, teachers, classmates, relatives. Perhaps at the end of the circle, which sent over. On human life in many respects begins to depend on him, from the choices he will make. Formation, education of the individual depends first and foremost from their parents, grandparents, and then from all the others. No wonder they say that the right circle of communication is the key to a successful life. The concept of successful life does not necessarily include material goods. Successful can be called a person who, summarizing his life, gets some satisfaction from the lived. The moral component here is of great importance. In the first years of life, it is the surrounding people who help to perceive the world, affect the worldview of the child. There is a well — known saying: "Tell me who your friend is and I will tell you who you are." In a sense, a person is a reflection of all those people with whom he constantly encounters. And if the usual circle of communication in which he rotates or lives in some way is mistaken, then the person will be partially or completely mistaken, even having a bright personality. How to expand the circle of communication, if necessary? There are multiple answers to this question. To become more sociable, it is not necessary to be afraid of people, it is necessary to be open, but not too trusting. Genuinely interested in the life of the interlocutor, to help at least with advice or deed - all this will help to acquire friends and acquaintances.

This quote jumped in my mind after reading your reply ⭕️


In young years, it is easy to fall under the influence of both good and bad companies. For example, now has developed many sub-cultures, appearance of representatives of which already speaks for itself. There are so-called metalheads, wearing long hair, leather, metal studs and so on, for rappers is characterized by a wide sliding pants, sneakers, a shapeless jacket huge size, the Goths wear black clothes, play the vampires. There are many communities, so business people, office workers are required to come to work in suits with ties, women should wear elegant high heel shoes and so on. And every society has its own morality, and from the point of view of members of this society, their morality is the correct, others are wrong. The circle of communion of some people professing Christian faith may differ from other Christian society as heaven and earth. Many sects spread all over the world, carry out their policy, lure people to themselves in different ways, offering them material goods and "the Kingdom of heaven". Many fall for the bait, become members of the sect, from which then it is much harder to get out than to enter it.

This song .....

My answer .....

The Blaze
We've waited for this day
We shared some tears of love now
Like a desert in the rain
When the sun of the day went down
There's nobody like my mom
There's no place like my home since I was born
When I was young
The flavor is so strong
I've missed it so long now
These people are my heroes
From distant sky
They light me up with flying clouds
This ever…

As an adult, in hard days, he remember guidance of the senior and life doesn't seem so cruel and unfair.

It all depends from what angle we choose to see life.....I agree with you...after all it might not be unfair but some people behaving more than unfair. I am still searching......


What you think about this?

@grisotti that’s for you as well :)

Your words are so so beautiful!

Self and collective developement = grow

Things would never be or appear the same to us if it was not shared with the people who are surrounding us.

We can identify to our family, to our friends, our neigbhoors, those who have the same culture or nationality, what is always making me grow is to relate with the others.

There are place to emancipate, we need to go somewhere else to learn. It is not about the education system you'll find. It is about the mix of cultures you'll meet.

Find your surrounding and/or be accessible to let them find you. Yes, you'll need to be careful, you'll need to stay surrounded, from a group to another, through the unknown, like for the fear and the mirror, sometimes, we need a friend if not a bluefairy to make the jump to the other side.

A lot of love <3

I know that you found yours :)
You find your own beautiful mirrors!
Where can I find blue fairies? hahaha

That is a super sensitive question for me as it also is complex for me. Thank you @mammasitta! I guess some circles we are born into, we dont have a choice for the beginning. Eventualy we grow into circles that we partly chose, mostly dont chose and then is the process of emancipating in order to actually go find a circle we realy chose, or we stay in the one that was chosen for us. But if the process of emancipation is too hard, the circle we end up in, is not the one we actually wanted, but the one which feeds our emancipative advancement. I guess that would mean after we got free from the circles we didnt chose, after we had a more or less intensive process of emancipation, only then I guess we are able to say think about real circles. But then again, our past and early relationship patterns pritty strongly influence the way we search for circles. Which makes me think that maybe, we are in a very certain circle all our lives. And finaly, i guess global citizenship would mean, carrying because of it. That would be interessting to dive into..

I just don’t feel comfortable in the comfortzone! Never did!
There is one quote #icare for my circle I choose but I can’t always see that my circle cares for me enough, nor for the whole human kind.

Your words inspire me to think that your comfort zone is of different nature? You are writing that you dont feel comfortable in the comfort zone, than it is maybe not your comfortzone. So, what I understand is that you are saying that there might be a community comfort zone, something like a normative set of values defining that zone. But then again, what you are writing feels like something very personal, something very precious. What it touches on my side is this feeling I have had for a while, that makes me question what circle I am in and how this circle functions. And I sometimes start believing, that maybe I ended up in the wrong circle, but not because the circle is bad, but because it feels like I am speaking a different language, as if I was not realy compatible. But it is a search to find out, if it is the nature of humans or a specific trait of mine, which makes me feel this way. So if you say you feel that you are not allways sure that your circle cares the way you care it means, that there is a certain exchange. And that exchange is the precious thing for me. How do circles show apreciation, caring, love for each other? How is it translated to one self. And here is one thing that I came across for my self and it actually creates fantastic thoughts and feelings. As I work a lot with children, I have been experimenting with comparing one self with animals. I am a whale (of course not in the steem world), but my nature is like a whale, I am big, slow, I love water. And when ever I reflect on my interaction with my circles I tell everyone, hey, you know, I am a water animal and swimm very slow. This might sound weired, but it is sooo relieving when I meet people who also recognize that and say, ok, cool, lets go and swimm a little while. And that is realy the fun part about working in a kindergarten, children total understand that language, that fantasy, that way of experimenting with circles. Dear @mammasitta, thank you for that inspiration!

I am truly impressed with your replies!!! I think I cannot reply to every single of your incredible thoughts but I read them carefully...slow ....even though my mind is like the new @EOS blockchain, I like so much. hahaha....I am on my phone and its a bit hard. so toll to meet you !!!!

I mean when I am too long in any comfort zone, I start feeling very edgy because I always need challenges and new motivations. I sat in my own Bali island cocoon for a very long time and thought I was comfortable but I also knew that I had to break out not to stand still. Life is like a river and when the flow is broken we need to find another path to keep going.

I concur. Your circle of friends should be with people who makes you feel good, always have your back, roots for you as you climb the ladder for success. Equally.... you offer the same to your friends.

Let go of people that do not have your best interest at heart. Even if it's your blood. Just let go....

Happiness is already written as a code in our DNA!
How come we as humans are not capable to make sure our “circle” reach that maximum of joy in our every day life. I wonder ....

I think it all as to do with However, as adults, I believe it's up to us to rediscover our true nature.

I try to find my circle every day, minute and second! Not always easy!


Danke für diese schönen Gedanken. Ja, man sollte sich immer wieder im Leben fragen, wofür man etwas tut und ob man damit wirklich glücklich ist. Liebe Grüsse aus Sanur

Wow wow wow ! Sanur! How do I miss this island right now :)

Yes, Sanur is great! Soon you will be here again :-).

When you close the cirle chain; Im always in the good circle. 😉😊👌

I am happy for you! I broke many ...too many!

Always do what feels good, breking chains will make people stronger.

What a uses of circle very lovely and exclusively

I am not sure if I did understand what you mean

Ein klarer und weiser Rat von dir.

Agree 100%! I also experienced the same thing. But we need to understand that sad and happy always out in circles :)

Therefore, we must always be grateful. I think, that's the most effective medicine :)

You are absolutly right!

We need to choose carefully!


It been said so many times already im not even sure whose quote is it.

You are the average of 5 of the closest people around you.

But I find it to be so very true. Our habits and tendencies are so often shaped our environment, to change it, we must change our environment.

Change of place so often means change of circumstances.

Change of life means new opportunities, harder challenges maybe and addiction to the “Better NEW”.
We are the change! It’s all up to us what and who we choose!

100% that!!!!!!

thats the ups&down of life style, you can't controll every part of your life at the right track and moments. due to social factor and relationship and sometime beyond of level we are trapped or get into the error. other wise we have tasted salty of a curry rather than eating!

Yes indeed but we always have another chance to choose better after making mistakes

Sure everyone should be in out of relationships. Break-ups, disappointment,fuck-ups do happens

Even if you are loyal,they make you disloyal at times and that's human being

Loyality is one of the most important virtues and I just don’t want to have anything to do with arseholes anymore! I am looking for honest people who care about me as well as our fellow brothers & sisters all over this planet! I have big hopes! ⭕️
I will find “mine”

Your choice mama. If this is what everyone choose, life would be better

So! Let’s believe and hope that our world could be much better than it is now controlled by evil entities

Exactly mama

Yes, these are great words and in my opinion also we have to develop and enter those communities which have the essence of taking care of each other because that's way our world will become more beautiful. Thanks for sharing this message with us and wishing you an great day. Stay blessed. 🙂

Your words are wise as usual!
Do you think utopia is really possible?
Do you think that steemit can change the world and can make sure to keep its users happy?
Do you believe there are enough human beings who care and prove it?
I have a million of questions!

Remember one thing, we can drive us towards anyway and we can show path to others,now it's upon them if they want to walk towards goodness or not, Steemit can change lives of many when they will watch it with all aspects, means, learning, relationships, Bonding, earning, improvement and time management. Because whenever we enter into new phase we have to adjust and if we are thinking about long term aspect then you can utilise that phase effectively, same way is Steemit if anyone came here to just earn some quick many in my opinion that would be possible in 1/100 chances because this is not an fast moving world, here we have to establish first then gradually we will get the organic growth. Steemit will definitely going to change the vision of world in my opinion because i am feeling that change. 🙂


It hurts to see friendships and relationships going in the opposite side, sometimes it's hard to believe but the obvious truth is that the love that exists in every friendship is attributed to the kind gestures of some set of persons.

Love can never be equal in every circle.

I wish it could be equal ....

The strong bond of friendship is not always a balanced equation; friendship is not always about giving and taking in equal shares. Instead, friendship is grounded in a feeling that you know exactly who will be there for you when you need something, no matter what or when.

Yes my circle is small but round, anyone can jump right in but once I have you in, there is now escaping, you can walk in and out through the back door mind you.
I mean whats a true friend? They should stick to you closer than family, A friend is your identical twin but different, ( what do I mean? ) They are genetically attached to you, without judgement, comparison, jealousy, or hurt. A true friend looks out for your intrest.
True friend's are like shadows all around you that wont leave but loyaly stay with you on your journeys.

I'm not much of a joiner of any circle really. I engage with individuals that interest me or who I have met and enjoyed their company.
Once I find those people I remain loyal to the relationship until they break my trust as often happens. Then just remember they are human too and move on.

Me neither but sometimes it just feels right until I might have to brake the circle ⭕️ again. That’s ok because I never enjoyed comfortzones anyways

Comfort zones? what are they? :) A rolling stone gathers no moss. Just got to keep on rolling with it. I know things are tough at the moment but do you think you'll be able to get to steemfest3?
I'll buy you a coffee if you do. :)

I might have to invite you for the ONOfest soon :)

ONOfest sounds fascinating? What, when, where, who? :)

It’s just a dream for now within a dream....I keep you updated

Environment plays a major roll!

Glad that you are part of our circles! Wish you the best! <3


Wonderful changes..i like this life..i appreciate this blog..all the best..
upvote and resteemit.

I am happy to hear!


⭕️ Choose well!

.... dont know!

Here you are again :) I am happy to see you again. I hope you are doing well

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wow very excellent post Thanks for sharing i will done upvote..


excellent post ..loving to your blog.thanks for sharing..

wow,so nice quota ,dear @mammasitta thanks for sharing great quota of cycle

Very true. You can't succeed all alone and the circle you belong determine how far you go in life. It is very pertinent that one identify a right circle and belong. Thanks for that great piece.

Is this why I didn’t get far enough? Doesn’t mean that I am not in the right spot in life but I still fight dragons.

I had to brake out of too many circles

Good stuff, @mammasitta. It may come as a surprise, but I have a very small circle of close friends, dominated by family members. While I am very social, I don't really hang out with many outside of my circle.

I keep a tight group because I give my all to those within it, and I revel in the amazing support that they provide me. So, I agree: knowing where you belong is critical to success and happiness in this life. Cheers!

You are lucky! Some of y family and even friends just suck! Sorry to admit

Aww. Well, you have your Steemit family, that’s for sure!

Yea yes yes and soon also @onosocial ⭕️

really great insperational post

really great circle ,oh ! its so great for follow quota dear @mammasitta

Thanks much!

I always meet fake friends, between 100 friends Only 2 are good to me and support me.

I know exactly what you mean! First of all we have to focus on being our own Best friend! Then we have to choose our circle very carefully!

Yup correct!!:)

Yes i hope i am in right circle as of now.

That’s great to know

I feel still in the right environment or circle @mammasitta, a very good post. I am very happy to participate in your blog

This is truly wonderful to know! Thank you!

Your thoughts are good. The truth is always true.

I am a sucker on wishing and hoping for the best still☺Wish you well @mammasitta

We can never give up hoping for the best and Help building a better future!

Ditto. Hope we have in abundance.

We will!!!

Haha yes we will!

Please check out @onosocial 😉

Wonderful changes..i like this life..i appreciate this blog..all the best.

Congratz, your post has been resteemed and, who knows, will maybe appear in the next edition of the #dailyspotlights (Click on my face if you want to know more about me...)
Please check the new rules of the Daily Spotlights!

Sometimes it’s just a simple quote what makes you think twice!

True that @mammasitta!

I've noticed that I've slowly been drifting away from my old circle and been avoiding them subconsciously and moving into new circle that has been helping me improve a lot including breaking down of my ego.

Sometimes it's the quotes like this that allows us to see things from a different light and not think of the situations in a negative manner.

Very well said. Your friends are your asset. Friend is a person who share your happiness and grief. He stands with you during thick and thin. They always want to keep smile in your face. if you don't find this sort of friend's in your circle than change your circle. Thanks for sharing nice quote @mammasitta

I think the saying applies definitely to my family circle, and I would imagine some of the circles here on Steemit, too. I'm just not moving in and out of many circles these days. :)

Amazing changes..i like this life..i appreciate this blog..and i am new your..thanks for sharing

Great slogan with a true message. Circles are like biotopes, you can only flourish, if you can adapt and feel good in your environment.-)

The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.

So true what you said

We stay in a circle that nurtures and makes us feel safe.
When the circle does not have the same ideals and morals that we have there is nothing wrong in leaving a circle.
We are constantly evolving and becoming better versions of ourselves.

I think that I am still searching .....

That one circle can make our life or can break it better choose that wisely :)

no ndout its really true ,great thinking dear @mammasitta


this circle are greatly neeed for all.great quota no dout.thanks for sgare

Find yours ! ⭕️

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