My reason of Why | How Ono made me feel excited

in #ono7 years ago (edited)

So I have for over a week been going through the seven white papers of Ono. I have been involved in the initial community building and information giving and I couldn't be more happy to see some of the people that are involved in the project. I could already feel that it was meeting with like-minded people.



"Ubuntu" resonates with my core philosophy of looking after other people. I work in Human Resources and so people are a priority to me. May it be in making them happy, feel safe and provide them with the guidance to become the best versions of themselves. I care enough to want to be their champion.

If you don't know me in Steemit, I am very big in terms of engagement and community building. I recently graduated and became a minnow now but thanks to some of the delegations I have received from awesome people like @ashleykalila and @ura-soul it gave me the ability to give more.


This information comes from @ura-soul's tool

Over 860 votes given to 300+ accounts and I honestly don't remember that 0.01 self-vote because I don't self-vote anymore may it be a post or a comment.

The 2%-4% upvote that I could give myself is better off given to other people. A lot criticize me for doing this but I find more joy in reaching out and connecting with someone else than giving myself that self-upvote.

So when given the opportunity to be part of a new Decentralized Social Media App, I knew I just had to do it.

What is Ono?

According to a Hackernoon Article the name of Ono is derived from its full-length name "Oh Nome" Nome being the name of the company Nome Tech.

Etymologically, Nome comes from an ancient Greek word to describe a province or district in Ancient Egypt.

The explanation that really resonated with me is when you split the word into two syllables "No" and "Me" and pronounced phonetically is Know Me which originates from Socrates concept of Knowing Yourself.

One thing that really struck me was its core philosophy of caring for the users and its aim to create deep human connections.

We are ONO, a free, decentralized social network DApp which protects and respects the variety and diversity of human social interaction and which will soon launch on the EOS platform.
We understand how to create authentic environments that nurture the social aspect of human beings on a deeper level than what is currently available on the market.

Ono is the first Social Media Decentralized platform that will be launched in the EOS Blockchain. On its launch last April 15, it was operating under the EOS testnet and had completed it's Phase One of having over 50,000 plus people test and work out the bugs in the app.

It has three phases scheduled and Phase Two is to open to the international market and have 100,000 users come in on May and June will be Phase 3 with an additional 150,000 users thus completing the initial 300 thousand users called Keynote Partners.

On launch, Ono was in the EOS Testnet but as of yesterday. it has moved to the EOS Jungle Testnet ensuring a smooth transition to EOS Mainnet come August when it will finally open all registrations at this point.

By quarter four of 2018 Ono is predicting over four million users both in China and the international users.

Currently, the app is available only in China for both Android and IOS versions and would need a Chinese mobile number as part of the verification. A desktop browser version is also being developed so that people who are more comfortable in a computer is not left out.

Ono will be open sourced so other people will be able to create apps that can be integrated into the main condenser. So users will be able to have their own unique experience with the DApp (Decentralized App) I can't wait to get a hold of it.

Ono DApp

Speaking of the DApp what does it looks like? Well you can look at the youtube video or test it out by yourself on the marvelapp created by @rubenalexander

So to me, it feels sleek and intuitive it currently has a 400 character limit and you can upload multiple images and videos.

You will be able to add friends, publish your post called My Story and can choose if you want it to be only shown to friends or the public.

If you have it published to the public it will be seen in the My Exploration section of the DApp where it will be seen by all other users of the platform.

Here is a live Demo of the App from the CEO of Ono Ke Xu

The way it looks and feels is very similar to Facebook and Instagram with a focus more on shorter, vibrant content and videos.

I will cover more on these as I deep dive into the white paper in a series of explaining it.

Rewards and Advertisement

So Ono has a very distinct rewards system from most of the decentralized Social Apps that I have encountered like Steemit, Sola and even Lit because knowing that drawing attention and views are important Ono has monetized that and given the control to the user on the ads.

Imagine that you have the advocacy on peace and caring and you start having ads on guns and war stories. So people have the ability to opt out of these ads.

Having a second way of earning income aside from people rewarding you with tokens, which is called Ono Tokens, shows how much they would value high-quality content creators.

Full Breakdown of the ONO Advertisement ModelYou can read more about it in the whitepaper or listen to @clayboyn as he simplifies the concept on his video

Culture and Responsibility

When the builders were being assembled one of the core traits people were looking for was people who cared. This is the core philosophy of Ono. Caring for your fellow men, that all are equal and matters. People who have the mentality of treating other people the way we want to be treated. With respect and caring.

It resonates with Ubuntu which was how I started describing myself. That is my WHY, That the idea set us that we are all into this together.

The community is the most important aspect in Ono and as such the way that the initial people who volunteered were people who built communities that cared for their people. They would drive a culture of caring and of positive values and ethics.

Seems lofty and too much? Maybe to someone jaded and you see this everywhere. People who have grown cynical and just want to game everything to have the edge over other people. So we want a positive culture that is safe and equal and so how do we achieve that?

It is by having people who have the same values as the people responsible for the culture of the platform. You have three sets to get involved with Ono.

Ono Volunteers


Anyone can be a volunteer as they will help explain the ideals of Ono, the functions, sharing information about how to use Ono. They will be people who will promote Ono to their immediate friends and teach them through meetings, online posts, videos or howto tutorials.

Ono Community Partners


Credits to @stellable on the images

Everyone would often start off as volunteers but as they become more engaged with the community and have the influence then they can become Community partners who act as leaders for communities.

They will work hand in hand with the last level, The Super Partners, in making sure that the culture is able to scale.

Super Partners


Credits to @stellable on the images

No doubt you have seen several videos of the Super Partner interviews and realize how important they will be in the culture of the platform because there will only be 51 Super Partners.

The first set of Super Partners will be selected by Ono but in October there will be a referendum and the first election of the Super Partners will be done.

They will be responsible for making sure that the people have the core values and remove negative behavior and abuse. The closest thing that I can think of is the Steem Cleaners who handle abuse in the platform.

Wouldn't we be putting too much power in the hands of a select few? Afterall, power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely. Super Partners can be voted out if they behave negatively, showed abuses and greed.

Decentralization does not mean chaos. One can be in a decentralized platform but still have decency, morals and, ethics to promote high-quality posts, that people feel safe and free.

I still have not submitted my video as I am really camera shy and think that I am better at writing but I want to be one because I care. I want to make a difference and want people to be on a platform that they can be themselves and not feel the need to judge or be judged by other people.

I want to help create a platform that is inclusive of people and their dreams. That is another of my reason WHY.

If you are not familiar with the concept of Why by Simon Sinek I highly recommend that you watch this life changing video.

Ono's reason for existing is but one part of why I got attracted to its ideals it's reason for why they do it is the reason why I am excited about it.

It is the vision of Ke Xu of having a platform that is centered on freedom and caring that drew me in.

ONO protects and respects the variety and diversity of human value. Free, open, common governance and a diverse ecosystem is ONO’s value.

Is Ono the Steemit Killer?

This is on the mind of everyone as a new DApp appears. Seeing the demo and discussing with some of the Super Partners we all have the conclusion it will not be a direct competitor as the format and demographics is different. Having a 400 character limit means it is not a long blogging site.

It could however have some affect with Steepshot, Dlive and Dtube as the app seems built to have dynamic content.

So would a writer like me do well in Ono? I may not but I want to try it and one of the things that I can see is using Ono to further promote Steemit because they can access it in China. So more potential users coming from the millions of wired people in China.

As I see it both platforms can flourish and help each other grow. As @mistermercury coined it a cooperative abundance mindset.

I am excited that it will run on EOS as I see it as a huge game changer!

I am excited so how do I get in?

Well, like the rest of us you will need to wait for May when it opens to the international market.

You can, however, get a couple of Ono Tokens by joining and doing a one time task there.
Check it out here:

You can also educate yourself and be part of the Ono Social movement

ONO Official Links

WeChat official account: onogogo

Official website: Telegram Chinese: Telegram English: Sina Weibo: Twitter: Medium: Steemit: Facebook: Reddit: YouTube:

We have more posts to come.

Credits to:

@overkillcoin for the roadmap @rubenalexander for the app demo @stellabelle for the Medium and Hackernoon posts used


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Thank you so much for sharing this information. I first heard of the abundancy mindset from taskmaster4450, and this application certainly fits perfectly into that. I don't think it's "too lofty of an idea" at all; I have to believe that there are a lot of good people left in the world who are tired of dealing with platforms, charities etc. that have selfish motives, or simply witnesses the many in the world who just don't seem to care about their fellow man. And from what I've personally witnessed on steemit and especially over the last few days, there are a great deal of people here who are selfless and very willing to help those in need.

I was part of a group at my old high school (where I was a teacher) that started a charity aiding girls to attend school in Kenya; we also teamed with an animal conservancy there who not only protected endangered species, but educated the locals at the same time. "Ubuntu" was our core ideal, and when I saw that at the begining of your post, I just knew that this was going to be something good, in every sense of the word.

Thanks Mav, it's people like yourself who continue to solidify my belief in the "good" in mankind, and in the power of community.

Upvoted. Agreed, Ubuntu is a beautiful. Love what the boys did in Africa. Like they say in Winnie the Pooh, sharing is caring. I was a teacher in Vietnam. Maybe I should visit Kenya someday like you did. Family first values are key and do help. Local community values truly are fundamental and ancient.

So true! And yes, the world might be a lovelier place if everyone just believed in Winnie the Pooh :)

Thank you Lynn! Indeed looking at the core values of Ono and it's CEO Ke Xu it is looking to be a platform that wants to put back Caring and humanity in a social media platform.

I am excited to see it

This looks interesting Mave! Can't wait to see more updates about this app from yah!

Yeah Dawnee it is going to be easier to Filipinos who are more comfortable in using a Facebook like interface rather than Steemit which is more for longer forms of posts.

Yes, i totally agree with yah Mave!

I use Ubuntu on my computer. The African boys said Ubuntu as they shared the fruits as they are family and that is what family first values is all about. Upvoted. Thanks for sharing. I should try Ono. I love capitalism, competition so much.

Yes Ono seems to be a very interesting project that will help a lot of people realize their dreams.

Especially here in our country we have so many people who are more comfortable in Facebook.
The learning curve will not be that hard!

ONO sounds like it is going to be awesome. I can't wait. May 15 is so close and yet so far.

EOS is such a cooperative community. I love it. ONO fits in perfectly.

Yes I can't wait for it either and hopefully the desktop version will also be available soon!

I just heard about Ono for the first time today. (I'm a bit behind, obviously!)😏

Now, I am trying to learn everything I can about it after watching an interview with Ke Xu. I think she is amazing, and the her ideas are inspiring. It really could be the wave of the future - at least I hope!

Seems lofty and too much? Maybe to someone jaded and you see this everywhere. People who have grown cynical and just want to game everything to have the edge over other people.

It's so funny that you say this. I was actually just trying to explain the concept to someone earlier, and how it will likely put a major damper on the likes of Facebook, Twitter, etc; I mentioned the differences in it and how user's information wouldn't be one company's to sell, and it puts the power back in the hands of the users. His response was "yeah, well, that'll get fucked up, too - people always find a way to screw things up."😒

Definitely jaded! Personally, I am all for this new future, and can't wait until May - crossing my fingers and doing whatever possible to be able to be in the first international wave allowed in.

Also, just had to say I watched that video. LOVED it, and saved it so I can return to it when needed. It was quite fitting with Ono and the vision behind it. Thank you for sharing! 👏

Thanks! when I heard her talk and the vision that she had in her mind I was just floored for someone that made wanted o do this.

It was like a breathe of fresh air and positivity hearing her talk. I left Facebook because of all the fake news and negativity so I am hoping that with this we will be the app that would bring forth a new way of thinking.

Letting us embrace an abundance mindset.

I spent the past two days researching everything I could, going through all of the links and videos people have put in the TG rooms, etc. It really is an amazing idea and movement, so different from anything else out there. Very excited to be a part of it! 😊

Good to see you excited about it and we want to get people excited anf informed.

A large part of our efforts is educating people so when it is released people are ready.

I actually just did my first post about it. It's a tad different from what I've seen other people do. I figure everyone else is doing whitepaper analyzing and things like that so I went with more of a 'let's save the world' angle - the possibilities with it are astronomical. 😊

Sharing this! @maverickinvictus!

Ohhh thanks Angie :)

I too am camera shy and have not done my video interview yet. SO happy to read your thoughts on ONO and also find that like me, you don't want to get in front of a camera!