When I first checked the profile of the CEO and team behind it I was a bit hesitant because this was being developed initially for the China Market. CHina has a reputation for censorship and silencing dissenters of the status quo.
But the more that I read the white paper the more excited I was of the possibilities for this platform. Further learning that this was going to be on EOS made me more excited for it.
I agree on this point
partners that are responsible for essentially policing their own communities. From the top down, things like spam, plagiarism, and toxic content are going to be able to be hidden if they violate the core guidelines of the community.
and absolutely loved this
There are also guidelines against misuse of power and a partner can lose their position if they are caught misusing their power to censor or silence individuals without cause agreed upon by the community that is entrusting them with the power in the first place.
Those things are important if ever we want the culture to be right in the platform. When the culture is right then building communities will be better.
I agree and I'm generally very skeptical of any new platform by default. I just think they are taking the content/attention model seriously and putting the investment focus on optional advertisements that you can essentially sell on your blog. If you want to let another blogger/company advertise on your page you can charge them ONOT and that's an additional revenue source for high quality content creators.