My personal goal in this life is to gain knowledge, understand it and put it into action. And I do this with a strong spiritual belief mindset. At the same time I try to connect people with each other and be their mediator. This is why I wanted to create an estoric Smart Media Token (SMT) to build a new Library of Alexandria for higher knowledge. And then I learned that OnStellar is already doing that and I fell in love. In this post I am presenting the new Esoteric SMT.
"From The Paranormal To The Metaphysical"
With these words you are welcomed on the OnStellar website and I feel already at home. The idea of this new platform is to unite all these magical topics that find no place in the mainstream media. @onstellar unites them all and brings like-minded people together.
Here are some of the topics they cover:
1 | Topic | 2 | Topic |
![]() | Strange & Profound | ![]() | Unexplained Phenomena |
![]() | Supernatural & Occult | ![]() | Conspiracy Theories |
![]() | Ancient History & Mysteries | ![]() | Alternative Healing & Medicine |
![]() | Ufology | ![]() | Cryptozoology |
![]() | Mind Body Spirit & Spirituality | ![]() | New Age & Cosmic Arts |
![]() | Paranormal | ![]() | Science & Technology |
In my opinion life is an epic battle from within ourselves and all mystery traditions teach about the inner awakening to become the creator of our creatrix.
We are co-creating this universe with our minds - whether we do it subconsciously or consciuosly.
Mark Passio
This knowledge of the Hermetic Principles or Natural Law is being occulted - made hidden - and is being used against ourselves. We are now at the edge of a game changer to liberate our minds and take control of our thoughts and actions back. Enough of being manipulated by other humans who use this powerful knowledge against us. OnStellar is becoming the place where we will find this knowlegde.
How Does OnStellar Work?
It will use the SMT technology from which will allow them to create their own token which is traded seperatedly but entangled with Steem. To run the ONST token on the OnStellar platform we will need bandwidth from the Steem network for which we will need Steem Power - just as with our Steem accounts.
The new platform will have its own design and functionality. There will be categories and many features that are just not available on Steemit. I have been asked by a few people why this is not being developed directly on Steem and I think that would just not very feasible as the power to make content contribution possible would have to come from Steem delegations and that would only benefit a few. On OnStellar all contributors can easily and quickly find their niches and earn a token reserved only for that ecosystem and nothing else. That's the whole point of SMTs in the first place.
The exact details of this technology you can find in the SMT whitepaper and currently this is all very confusing for the majority of people. Whether this will be beneficial for Steem as well has yet to be proven. But personally, as much as I love Steem, I think OnStellar can change the world on such a profound level that we can only win from this on a spiritual basis.
For more info check out the OnStellar White Paper.
The ICO Starts March 29th.
Each round of the ICO lasts 14 days and can be completed early. There will be a maximum of 152,000,000 of crwodsale tokens and you can purchase them during the ICO with Ethereum, Bitcoin and Steem.
Edit: They claim to peg the coin at the bottom to the USD which would explain the following bonus.
Round | Hardcap | Bonus | Token Price |
Pre-Sale | 12,000,000 | 100% | $0.5000 |
Round 1 | 20,000,000 | 85% | $0.5405 |
Round 2 | 28,000,000 | 80% | $0.5556 |
Round 3 | 32,000,000 | 70% | $0.5882 |
Round 4 | 40,000,000 | 60% | $0.6250 |
- Crowdsale Distribution: 86.8%
- Founders: 6.6%
- Team: 3.3%
- Bounty: 2.3%
- Developers: 1.0%
Bounty Program
They also have a bounty porgram with a referral link. Referring people to them will earn you stakes. All stake holders will share a pool of 500,000 ONST tokens.
Registrations | Stake Multiplier |
1+ registrations | 1 Stake pre registration |
50+ registrations | 2 Stakes per registration |
100+ registrations | 3 Stakes per registration |
500+ registrations | 4 Stakes per registration |
Additionally, you can earn extra bounties via Steemit, BitcoinTalk, Translation and Moderation, Facebook, Twitter, Telegram and Blog Posts. To claim them you have to go the the Onstellar bounty system and fill out a form.
This platform has the potential to change the world. Some of you might be sceptical because if the esoteric content. If you don't believe in such things then OnStellar is not for you - yet! For all those brilliant content creators and influencers on Steemit who are already into these things this will be epic and create a great way to monetize your very specific content. At the same time we will all be able to find mind boggeling content there that can put us on our subjective paths for transforming into a better you.
To me it feels a bit like I have conjured this entire thing just with my mind - although I am aware that people have worked on that before I even came up with the idea myself. This synchronicity gives me an amazing feeling that we are on the right track with this one on a universal scale level.
@flauwy Please stop being a soulless shill.
You are promoting a security without any warning that people investing could lose their money.
Since the value of the token will be free market based, for as long as the token does not reach a market value of 76.2 Million USD, the people invested would have either lost their investment or given much larger proportion of the tokens to the founders.
How can they come up with bonuses of 100% to 60% if there is not a single sale done at retail price?
This is a warning to anyone buying votes to promote an SMT crowdsale on Steem before the SMT software is out.
You will get flagged or openly criticized.
No need to attack me like that. We can talk about all issues.
I am promoting a Smart Media Token, as I have done since the day Steemit has announced this wonderful technology over and over again. The concept is really cool and I was a fan of it ever since. I am also a big Appics fan and I have always said that.
OnStellar is different for me: it is personal! This platform came to me the moment I was about to create pretty much the same thing myself. To me this is a beautiful synchronicity and I think the world is needing it.
The word bonus was not very clear. I checked the whitepaper and they describe they want to peg the token at the bottom to the USD. In that case the bonus calculation would make sense.
Your warning to the Steemit community to not promote SMT crowdsales before the SMT software is out is regrettable and controlling. But it is your right as code is king.
Lot's of love!
It's not clear to me how setting up an SMT with the same exact economic parameter as Steem would be preferable for esoteric content.
AFAIK small number of people with a specialized knowledge or interest can already be comprised within any larger group, aka. the Steem community.
I said "will get flagged or openly criticized"
I would guess you have no problem with open criticism.
As I said earlier, I can predict right away the outcome of this ICO, I see the founders ending up with 50-75% of the supply either by themselves buying into their ICO or not enough people to buy the 86% they try selling at a fixed USD price.
What are the 134681 registered username they are boasting represent?
It's can't be the number of Steem account (too low) or the number of people who registered a username through their website (too high). So what is it?
No! they said the value would be free market based, How the hell do you expect them to raise up to 72.6 Million, spend all the money to develop the project and back the value with 152m USD?
@transisto, you rock man.
Thanks for you work on this platform.
I'm doing my job on the spanish community. We need more, better content, more proposals. So far, amazing response, i truly believe in Steem and i will work for it, as you do.
And yes, lets flag de scammers!! haha (j/k)
Thx for calling me a scammer. Your comment is my favorite from this whole thread!
Particularly after reading your promotion for Appics and SMT's in general, talking about how you want to invest in those, written just 11 days ago. Makes me wonder...
Saludos de Costa Rica. Pura Vida.
Hey, Flauwy;
I will invest in APPICS, when the platform is released. The development of the SMT's is a huge promise that every proyect, like yours, depend on. Steem wasnt built to make diverse tokens, and Dan Larimer left the team, so, i hope they manage to make it true.
I was kidding about the scamming, but, as an investor, i consider every ICO (no exception) to be SCAM. From that point of view, it is more reasonable to invest knowing that you could lose every penny. And people gets greedy, they want to raise millions becouse they have a good idea, or becouse they think they do... how many top-blogs struggled years to make their first million?
APPICS is aiming to replace Instagram, thats huge... and thats why i'll invest, as i said, when the platform is released...
I love Steem, and i love your proposal as a blog. Im into spiritual content, and myself, as a writer i've lived (in my skin) many expiriences. So, i love your proyect, i have no problem with it, its just that i also love good reasoning and @transisto is very good in doing that.
Anyways, the beauty about Steem is the incentives; if Steem grows, everyone grows, if you grow, we all grow... so, in a very selfish way, i truly wish you to succeed and you have my support with content (and maybe investment) when your platform is released.
Desde México,
Thanks for this very reasonable reply and for speaking in a civilized way with me. I understand your approach and think it is very rational. Greetings to Mexico.
Please read the following update:
UPDATE: ONSTELLAR — Hardcap Decreased, ICO Pricing Lowered
That's not answering anything.
Any answers please? Im interested in this project, id love someone answers the questions made by @newsflash. THanks in advance!
I think @flauwy is not trying to make any harm on anyone as he just jumps on the bounty thing as many do and he is a good boy! But I also was a bit concerned when I was trying to register myself for that over the weekend BUT did not complete it when i read the updated terms and conditions which sounded dodgy to me - hence i stopped my planned actions. I usually not often agree to your thoughts @transisto - in that case i am thankful to read your comment.
Thanks for the reasonable words, Uwe! I will have a look at the terms and try to figure out what you mean. Any pointers in the right direction are apprciated.
I am busy next days but will then send you what I mean
Rofl, that's hilarious.
Please read my reply about that.
Too high of a price.
The Appics token is at least priced accordingly.
These eccentric bastards are way too hungry for money.
Staying away.
This project has me super excited for the future of STEEM! They already have a list of +130,000 names reserved. It has great potential for the future, and STEEM is looking bright with sites like this running on it! Hope the launch goes well and they come online by the end of the year. Thanks for the post! :-)
130,000 names for what? I don’t understand. Can you explain more please?
I ‘ve a question;: can SMT be bought from the market? Or SMT is not a separate token to buy? Who wants to buy SMT should only go and buy on stellar, vice, Appics, etc? Or we can still buy a token under the name SMT as well ?
SMTs are SEPERATED tokens that can be bought on crypto exchanges. But they work all build on the Steem blockchain.
Vice is a fork of Steem and no SMT and is from the moment of the fork disconnected from Steem. Appics and OnStellar are both SMT's as intended from
Thanks for the answer. But why I cannot find SMT on coinmarketcap ? Or which exchanges trade them?
Because they don't exist yet. It is a future technology coming out this year (hopefully).
Hope to get clear roadmap for SMT Which Lima vague currently !
Or at least basic roadmap
I don't think Appics ever intend on existing on an exchange.
What makes you sure that they will be traded on one?
From what I gather, there is already a token (a masternode) called Apollon which utilize the XAP ticker. So this tells me that either Appics WILL NOT exist on exchanges or this would have had their attention and solution already. Or, they have no clue of the other XAP and will have an issue to deal with once they realize it and see the issue it presents in regards to proceeding to list on an exchange.
Again though, nothing from Appics gives the impression that they will be traded. SMTs also need clarity. From what I gather, many here are under them impression that because they hold STEEM that they will or should get an airdrop of whatever token chooses to exist as an SMT.
Such bad management. It's crazy.
The rich get richer, huh 🤨
so how would we know when it comes cos i cant wait
Would be an epic article if you can explain in more details the difference among these platforms built on vs. forked from steem
This seems really cool!! At first I thought this was your project because you mentioned wanting to reward esoteric content on steemit. I see you are getting some slack for this but that is to be expected given the mood around ico's right now.
I don't see how this is going to be an SMT if the SMT functionality isn't out yet. At any rate I'm glad to see you still pushing on steemit. I'll check this out when I get a chance.
Thanks for the support. Yeah, the SMT thing is really tricky as the tech is not yet out there. Appics is having the same issue. Both projects will release ERC20 tokens as placeholders for the actual SMT when finally released.
Looks cool. Would support this community here on steemit.
Nice Post, i love the first Pic!
Keep it up made!
I've really appreciated your concise and informative postings over the last few days .. excellent stuff. Your enthusiasm and excitement really shines through .. and it's infectious :)
I am glad I discovered your blog.. just checked and followed. You have such an amazing style of content writing ✍️
Thank you @josteem I really appreciate the kind words and support and I'm very glad you appreciate my writing .. I have also followed you :)
Reading that from you is an honor. I said it before and I say it again: you are the ideal content creator for such a platform!
Thank you @flauwy
A promising project indeed. I am a bit weary of the large amounts requested for the initial financing, but I will watch it with interest.
Where you get such info about initial financing? Can you share with us for the general good please?
It has been discussed in the comments already. They expect to raise about 72 million in the ICO.
This ought to be a HUGE success, as long as the team behind it is solid. Since the product shared is and has always been hot, it will create ripples throughout our ecosystem and can't wait to see the results of its inception among us.
Thanks a lot for sharing, it is definitely something I am interested in.
Namaste :)
Me too excited.. I wish SMT have more precise roadmap though! So we know how we can buy SMT, same time while the whales are filling their pockets, huh 😉😋
This is pretty freaky @flauwy. But I think it might grow on me. I think I might just be liking it already. I'm a bit tentative. Perhaps I need to read some more article on SMT's and how they apply
I really want to dive into SMT beyond the white paper. So if you found more immersing articles or source of info , I would appreciate sharing with us.
I hope we will see the testnet for SMT's any time soon so that developers and platforms can start checking that out in reality and not just theoretically.
Yeah I've been anticipating Ts for so long now. The problem is that everything I know about them xomes from a theoritical framework. The lack of experience with them is driving me anxious to some extent. I'll just have to be patient like a good boy I guess..
Steemit has promised much and there are many people and projects depending on it.
Yeah, so many. I'm on ateemit everyday now baking..
Yeah, so many. I'm on ateemit everyday now baking..
Hi Really enjoy your work. Wanted to invite you to contribute at Steem Creators Conference April 13-15, 2018 in Las Vegas. We would like to invite you to come to our conference.
Also do a 1 on 1 interview with you. I'm I.J. @steemcafe email me at [email protected]
Woohoo, that sounds awesome! I watched your interview yesterday with @quinneaker! I will write you right away!
Finally Smt is coming!
I see you are really excited about it right :)?
Same as Appics?
Technically similar to Appics. Content wise very, very different. So it is another niche they are filling with this.
This is like my favorite subject actually. I'm getting bored with steems all crypto talk. I am highly interested and re steeming for when I get back on my home computer
Yes, this community will bring knowledge together.
Hola! como estas @flauwy? los comentarios no son muy positivos, lo leere con mas calma, pero te vote, upvote, reestim, un fuerte abrazo.
Bueno, es solo un commentario que tiene un problemo. Los otros son muy amable. ;)
Gracias por responder, un saludo cordial.
wow man! cool, i love the topics!
this is pretty cool. Any idea if we will be able to share content such as youtube videos from other content creators or will the content have to be produced by us.
That's a good question. I think it will not be allowed to just share content from others. On Steemit this is also a behaviour that is little tolerated. But I am not sure.
hmmm, that is going to be a problem for Steemit in the future if we want it to be a real social media hub. And in my opinion being a real social media hub is the only way to scale this. People share content they find interesting on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest. Most original content is just a sentence about why they liked what they shared. Steemit seems more like medium but the apps like zappl and steepshot seem to be what the people want and the real way forward. When I do outreach, it is a whole lot easier to show someone steepshot and say you can "instagram" like you already do and earn money than it is to tell someone they have to learn how to be an interesting blogger in order to earn. I really think that steemit members need to let go of the idea of long form content if they want to keep earning or protect their investment. I get worried about steemit competitors creeping on us. It's more important to reach critical mass and name recognition than it is to police content in my opinion.
I agree! Steem is a social media hub and should be treated as such. As you pointed out there are many examples like Zappl and Steepshot that could be used like that and surely will. The unwritten etiquette we have today will transform and adopt as more diversification comes to the blockchain.
In regards to OnStellar that is not meant as a quick sharing platform but as creating really valuable content for eternity. I think over there we will have a very different approach to that but I am not sure how they will handle this. But they will also be prone to more platforms coming in and handle the ONST token in a different way.
Cant wait for this platform because there is not many people interested in supernatural. There are few, but not many. On OnStellar there will be everyone :P
Hehe, yeah it will bring them all together. :)
Awesome read!
I truly appreciate the quality of your work. game changer, much love.
keep it.lecture no to long.just great post.keep gong.
really good work in the provide good post.good job buddy
You got a 10.67% upvote from @postpromoter courtesy of @flauwy!
Want to promote your posts too? Check out the Steem Bot Tracker websitevote for @yabapmatt for witness! for more info. If you would like to support the development of @postpromoter and the bot tracker please
Good information
Sneaky Ninja Attack! You have just been defended with a 50.54% upvote!
I was summoned by flauwy. I have done their bidding and now I will vanish…
Sneaky Ninja is a very responsible bot, working directly with steemcleaners, actively pursuing spam and abuse on our platform. If you would like to see what steps Sneaky Ninja has taken to fight bid bot abuse see this post and this post. Also know that I am working daily on other solutions.
If you would like to know my personal take on bid bot abuse and why I do not agree with the 3.5 day rule, see this postP.S. If you or anyone you know has been a victim of @grumpycat please know that he has been harming people throughout Sōsharumedia (ソーシャルメディア). Stealing the service that I (and other bots) have provided them and hiding behind a facade of stopping bid bot abuse which he clearly has no interest in.
Grumpycat is a villain that must be stopped to protect our freedoms here on steemit!
There is a resistance that has formed to counter his tyranny.
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I have also summoned my love, Kusari to offer some limited help to victims like you.
See Here
Good and interesting content. Thanks for the information.
must try it
Very colour ful and a nice post
Wow.......excellent work
Metaphysical signal

This post has received a 33.21 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @onstellar.
Nice post
nice post really enjoyed it
This is really amazing my brother, a concept that can be said genius, keep developing friends, may be useful for you personally and everyone in general.
I like your post because it is bounty campaing the onstellar referral. our personal goal in this life is to gain knowledge, understand it and put it into action.
well many ico's come but they need to have a great team behind it otherwise make no sense looks good on paper by the way
Very interesting dear
Wow incredible, really creative steady friend
Wow incredible, really creative steady friend
Wow incredible, really creative steady friend
Wow incredible, really creative steady friend
good 👌
very good and i keep reading this my bro @flauwy
Your post was mentioned in the Steemit Hit Parade in the following category:Congratulations @flauwy!
interesting photography I like.
Me Reading this thread:

people keep promoting SMT's as if there has been any news on its release... it just seems shady.
I know you have the best intentions in mind but it feels like most of the folks talking about smt's and crowd sales for them havent even seen the code yet.
its a bad practice to invest in a company with nothing to really show. you should also make clear financial disclaimers to avoid seemin like a shill.
Regardless i like your feed so keep on making good content.
good job
thanks for the Informative words . upvoted and followed
good night my new people in esteem. I see your post beautiful and interesting