hi guys i have be very besy for some time and not give free card lately just want to say i am sry. but las all have fun and start this from to day.
I will give this card to 1 of you guys who commen me below.
it will be cool if you upvote or like but is not a most just commen below to win this card only 1 winner i will do this every day so follow me.
i give only lvl 1 card away.
will be nice if you upvote or follow me for more income free card giveaway guys:)
take the card and get some more dec
if you upvote me i will upvote back plz make a commen so is easyer for me to upvote you back agin, it dont cost you any thing, all it do is helping me andd grower bigger so i can give more to you guys back, and help each onther to grow we have notthing to loss but we have alot to earn buy helping each onther :)
you have to commen below and telling me you game name so i can send you the card, tyvm for playing guys and las kep playing !!
I'm in @chekohler
and tagging @minimining
thanks for the giveaway
My Steem Monsters username: @javiermurillo
This would be an immense help.
SM username: @clackity
im in and Im @threejay
Thanks, I'm in too @mastersa
I am in @minimining taggning @chekohler 😁
Posted using Partiko Android
Thank you! Upvoted! My sm name is @stranger27
Congratulations on another excellent win. That's twice you've knocked me out today.
Best of luck in the rest of the tournament :)
Thanks! (also upvoted)I'm in.. My SM username: @cryptofiloz
My SM username: @voxmortis
gz you win
Wow! Thank you so much
Posted using Partiko Android