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RE: Open Letter to Ned/Steemit

"A fork robs stinc of nothing that is their's, it just moves the community forward without them."

I know you know better. A fork does a lot more than that. I'm not going to exhaustively list the new challenges forking will create, but am utterly confident that you are competent to do so with but a few moment's thought.

Since Stinc may have sold to Samsung already, this may be completely irrelevant anyway.


I've learned to believe things once they happen when we are talking about stinc.

Yes, forking could wreck us, it could also set us free.
I suggest a reasoned approach, the next gotchya needs to be fully ready to launch.
I still think we need one more reduction in hardware requirements before a fork is viable, but once we get that, all bets are off.